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Ces icebergs, quand ils se heurtent contre un navire, le coulent a pic; et comme ils arrivent a l'improviste, escortes par d'epais brouillards, ils paraissent reellement sortir du sein des flots, comme sortait la main de Satan, pour precipiter au fond de l'abime matelots et navires." As to the name itself there has been much discussion.

I had the vertige de l'abime, and their red lids were the edge of my abyss. ... I had known nervous hours before: hours when I'd felt the wind of danger in my neck; but never this kind of strain. It wasn't that the eyes were so awful; they hadn't the majesty of the powers of darkness.

'Ah! mais il ne faut pas couvrir trop l'abîme avec des fleurs, said Mrs. Barton, as a sailor from his point of vantage might cry, 'Rocks ahead! Arthur only joined occasionally in the conversation; he gazed long and ardently on his daughter, and then sketched with his thumb-nail on the cloth, and when they arose from the table, Mrs.

Vos prunelles ont bu la lumiere et la vie; telle une mer sans fond boit l'infini des cieux, car rien ne peut remplir l'abime de vos yeux, ou, comme en un lotus, dort votre ame assouvie. Pour vous plus de chimere ardemment poursuivie, quel que soit l'ideal, votre reve vaut mieux, et vous avez surtout le biasement des Dieux, Psyche, qu'Eros lui-meme a grand'peine eut ravi.

In the same paper the dramatic critic, after explaining that at the rehearsals of L'Abime, the actors, who continually are complaining that they are ordered off on the wrong side, are quieted with the information that matters dramatic are managed in this way in bizzare England prints in a line apart, and by way of most humorous comment, these words, 'English spoken here. Conceive, my dear, an English humorous writer interlarding his picture of a French incident with the occasional interjection of Parlez-vous Français?