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Henry was most anxious that Sully should convert himself to the ancient Church, and the gossips of the day told each other that the duke had named his price for his conversion. To be made high constable of France, it was said would melt the resolve of the stiff Huguenot. To any other inducement or blandishment he was adamant.

An art lover, who as yet possessed nothing of this description, would in them get a good foundation for a collection, and a sufficient inducement to continue. Further, such a collection, like a set of Greek and Roman coins, affords opportunity for very interesting observations; indeed it completes the conception furnished us by the coins, and brings it up to present times.

In proceeding to supply this want, he asks first 'what is meant by being obliged to do a thing; and answers, 'a violent motive resulting from the command of another. The motive must be violent, or have some degree of force to overcome reluctance or opposing tendencies. It must also result from the command of another; not the mere offer of a gratuity by way of inducement.

There is one thing, it will be an extra inducement to him to try and put us in the way of finding one of those mines." "I don't think so, Bertie; he said that not for any sum of money whatever would he do what he is going to do, but simply from gratitude to Barnett.

Chiverton's example, and let the whole place be cleared of its more respectable inhabitants at one blow, he would lose that inducement." Mr. Gifford laughed, amazed at this suggestion so like a woman, as he afterwards said. "Blagg has served me many years I have the highest respect for him. I cannot see that I am called on to conspire against his interests." Mrs.

This law, as will be seen, must have operated as it was designed to do, as a check upon masters, and as an inducement for them to remove special causes of complaint and dissatisfaction. It has also enabled slaveholders of the better class, in the case of ill-usage of blacks, to relieve them by paying down their appraised value and appropriating their services to themselves.

It opposes strenuously the education of the blacks in this country as useless as well as dangerous. Proof. We would offer then no such inducement." But a few days ago a proposition was made in the legislature of Georgia to allow them so much instruction as to enable them to read the Bible; which was promptly rejected by a large majority." My limits will not admit of a more extended examination.

He guessed that the favourable weather would be an additional inducement to McNab and Burgess to satisfy themselves as to the fate of their late prisoner. He turned from the opening, and prepared to descend still farther into the rock pathway.

In their traffic with Europeans, the Feloops generally employ a factor or agent of the Mandingo nation, who speaks a little English, and is acquainted with the trade of the river. The language of the Feloops is appropriate and peculiar; and as their trade is chiefly conducted, as hath been observed, by Mandingoes, the Europeans have no inducement to learn it.

No retreat being possible, we looked charmed and self-possessed in spite of plain calicoes and sticky hands.... Mr. Enders very conveniently forgot to bring my nuage. He says he started expressly to do so, but reflecting that I might then have no inducement to pay that visit to Port Hudson, he left it for another time.... We arranged a visit to Gibbes, and Mr.