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Walter B. Swift, of Boston, Mass. "Constructive Delusions, " Dr. John T. MacCurdy and Dr. W. T. Treadway, of New York, N. Y. "Narcissism," Dr. J. S. Van Teslaar, of Boston, Mass. "The Origin of Supernatural Explanations," Dr. Tom A. Williams, of Washington, D. C. "The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Hystero-Epilepsy, " L. E. Emerson, Ph. D., of Boston, Mass.

Women smitten with hystero-epilepsy see phantoms beside them in broad daylight and mate with them in a cataleptic state, and every night couch with visions that must be exactly like the fluid creatures of incubacy. But these women are hystero-epileptics, and Gévingey isn't, for I am his physician. Then, what can be believed and what can be proved?

"What happened in this convent, where many nuns, evidently mad with hysteria, were associated in erotic devilry and sacrilegious rages with Cantianille, reads for all the world like the procedure in the trials of wizards of long ago, the histories of Gaufrédy and Madeleine Palud, of Urbain Grandier and Madeleine Bavent, or the Jesuit Girard and La Cadière, histories, by the way, in which much might be said about hystero-epilepsy on one hand and about Diabolism on the other.

But he considers, nevertheless, that even incomplete and temporary sexual abstinence may produce fairly serious results, and especially neurasthenic disturbances of various kinds, such as nervous irritability, anxiety, depression, disinclination for work; also diurnal emissions, premature ejaculations, and even a state approaching satyriasis; and in women hysteria, hystero-epilepsy, and nymphomaniacal manifestations; all these symptoms may, however, he believes, be cured when the abstinence ceases.

They further show that for a long time before the London visions he was in a disturbed state of health, his nervous system unstrung, his whole being so unhinged that at times he suffered from attacks of what was probably hystero-epilepsy. It seems altogether likely, then, that in London the process of dissociation, after this period of gradual growth, suddenly leaped into activity.

Then it is admitted readily enough, and evidence quite insufficient to back a claim, so long as the Church had an interest in making it, proves to be quite sufficient for modern scientific enlightenment the moment it appears that a reputed saint can thereby be claimed as a case of "hystero-epilepsy." But the Church continues to have an interest in the matter.

Stevens, J.: Central America, Chiapez and Yucatan. Solas, W. J.: Ancient Hunters. Wood-Martin: Pagan Ireland. THE PSYCHOANALYTIC TREATMENT Of HYSTERO-EPILEPSY Psychologist, Massachusetts General Hospital; Examiner in Psychotherapy, Psychopathic Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Assistant in Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Harvard University.

"It looks to me," he replied quietly, "like a sort of hystero-epilepsy. It is well known, I believe, to demonologists those who have studied this sort of thing. They have recognized the contortions, the screams, the wild, blasphemous talk, the cataleptic rigidity. They are epileptiform." Vaughn said nothing, but continued to weigh Kennedy as if in a balance.

She entered the Charity hospital to be under treatment for some accident arising from pulmonary congestion, and while there was suddenly seized with violent attacks of hystero-epilepsy, which first contracted both legs, and finally reduced them to complete immobility.