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Updated: August 6, 2024

"There, where they are fighting? Oh, I couldn't. I I can't. It would be all over before we got there as Vacca says." "Sure," repeated young Vacca. "Drive to Hooven's," commanded Hilma. "If you won't, I'll walk there." She threw off the lap-robes, preparing to descend. "And you," she exclaimed, turning to Mrs. Derrick, "how CAN you when Harran and your husband may be may are in danger."

I am like a clock with a broken spring." "Not broken, Pres, my boy;" urged the other, "only run down. Try and see if we can't wind you up a bit. Say that we can expect you. We dine at seven." "Thank you, sir. Till Friday at seven, then." Before leaving Bonneville, he had ascertained, by strenuous enquiry, Mrs. Hooven's address in the city, and thitherward he now directed his steps.

Hooven's body had been removed to an adjoining room, the bedroom of the house, and to this room Mrs. Hooven Minna still at her heels proceeded, guided by an instinct born of the occasion. Those in the outside room, saying no word, made way for them.

Eh? Wat you tink von dose ting?" "I think that's a crazy-looking monkey-wrench you've got there," observed Annixter, glancing at the instrument in Hooven's hand. "Ach, dot wrainch," returned Hooven. "Soh! Wail, I tell you dose ting now whair I got 'em. Say, you see dot wrainch. Dat's not Emericen wrainch at alle.

I, or, as it was called, the Home ranch, of the great Los Muertos Rancho. The road was better here, the dust laid after the passage of Hooven's watering-cart, and, in a few minutes, he had come to the ranch house itself, with its white picket fence, its few flower beds, and grove of eucalyptus trees.

He crossed the bridge over the irrigating ditch with a brusque spurt of hollow sound, and shot forward down the last stretch of the Lower Road that yet intervened between Hooven's and the town. He was on the fourth division of the ranch now, the only one whereon the wheat had been successful, no doubt because of the Little Mission Creek that ran through it.

He rode out towards the market cart, and the others, watching from the road in front of Hooven's, saw him halt it. An excited interview followed. They could hear the Portuguese expostulating volubly, but in the end he turned back. "Martial law on Los Muertos, isn't it?" observed Osterman. "Steady all," he exclaimed as he turned about, "here comes Harran." Harran rode up at a gallop.

The carry-all came to a halt and from far away across the rustling wheat came the faint rattle of rifles and revolvers. "Say," cried Vacca, rolling his eyes, "oh, say, they're fighting over there." Mrs. Derrick put her hands over her face. "Fighting," she cried, "oh, oh, it's terrible. Magnus is there and Harran." "Where do you think it is?" demanded Hilma. "That's over toward Hooven's."

But overhead, a mammoth live-oak, the largest tree in all the country-side, towered superb and magnificent. Grey bunches of mistletoe and festoons of trailing moss hung from its bark. From its lowest branch hung Hooven's meat-safe, a square box, faced with wire screens.

You are the only one of us all who is right. I'm with you from now on. In course of time, a farm wagon from Bonneville arrived at Hooven's. The bodies of Annixter and Harran were placed in it, and it drove down the Lower Road towards the Los Muertos ranch houses. The bodies of Delaney and Christian had already been carried to Guadalajara and thence taken by train to Bonneville.

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