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Gaynor would have ridden the horse himself rather than have his master do so, but he had a bad leg. Once upon a time it had been crushed against the rail. Somebody must ride Diablo; the horse, naturally highstrung, was becoming wild with nervousness through being knocked out of his work.

He felt the sense of tense, highstrung power which came to him in war, in fighting, in any element of danger. Youth! He snapped his fingers at it. Youth was buried in his masonry and helpless in its shuttered room. Power was master power, craft, subtlety.

If you are in a position to deny this, show us the document you mention; show us it at once, or inform us where and in whose hands it can be found." "That, for for reasons I cannot give, I must refuse to do at present. But I am ready to swear " A mocking laugh cut her short. Did it issue from his lips or from those of his highstrung and unfeeling wife?

And leave poor little Simon Cameron alone! Aren't you ashamed?" Now, Bobby was not in the least ashamed except for his failure to reach his elusive prey. But, like many highbred and highstrung collies, he did not fancy having his collar seized by a stranger. He did not resent the act with snarls and a show of teeth, as in the case of the beach comber.

Hot words were on Bert's tongue, but Saxon intervened and brought about peace. She was concerned over the outcome of their marriage. Both were highstrung, both were quick and irritable, and their continual clashes did not augur well for their future. The safety razor was a great achievement for Saxon. Privily she conferred with a clerk she knew in Pierce's hardware store and made the purchase.

Marilla felt an uncomfortable conviction that, if she denied the appeal of that look, it would haunt her to her dying day. More-over, she did not fancy Mrs. Blewett. To hand a sensitive, "highstrung" child over to such a woman! No, she could not take the responsibility of doing that! "Well, I don't know," she said slowly.