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"Sammy Blake is launching his iceboat." "Oh, I suppose that is a superior attraction even to ghosts," said Dorothy, laughing, "But why do we have to get a tree from the park? Couldn't we buy one?" "Just like a girl. We couldn't possibly buy trees last week, because they would not be hand-picked. This week why can't we buy them and hang the handpicked," he finished.

I handpicked them myself. The one with the white hair is Corporal Nels Pederson, from Sweden. I served with him at Marsport, and he's a real tough spacewalker in a fight. The other corporal is Paulo Santos. He's from the Philippines, and the best snapper-boat gunner you ever saw." He pointed out the six privates. Kemp and Dowst were Americans.

The ladies insist it shall be handpicked, and we've got to go to Tanglewood Park." "But do I really have to go?" begged Dorothy. "It's cold to ride, and I wanted to ?" "Put pink bows on red slippers! Oh, chuck it, Doro! I perfectly hate the smell of Christmas. Tom and Roland are going, and so is Tavia."

With a bang the screen door of Sheriff Kern's office had creaked open and shut four times at intervals, and each man, entering in turn with a "Howdy" to the sheriff, had stamped the dust out of the wrinkles of his riding boots, hitched up his trousers carefully, and slumped into a chair. Not until the last of his handpicked posse had taken his place did the sheriff begin his speech.

She smelled the secret; it reeked through the house, and she was devoured by eagerness to know. She handpicked Lord Nick's gang in the hope of finding a weakness among them; some weakness upon which she could play in one of them and draw out what they were all concealing. The Pedlar was as unapproachable as a crag on a mountaintop. Masters was wise as an outlaw broncho.

Dad told me." "I ain't got nothing particular on hand," murmured Sinclair. "Maybe I can get in on this manhunt if they ain't started already." The boy laughed. "Everybody in town has been trying to get in on that manhunt, but it ain't any use. Sheriff Kern has got a handpicked posse every one a fightin' fool, Dad says. Wish you luck, though. They ain't starting till the morning.