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Updated: August 22, 2024

Garnish your dish with mushrooms, oysters and lemon. A brown Fricassy of LAMB.

Garnish your dish with crisp parsley. To make a white Fricassy of TRIPES, to eat like CHICKENS.

Take a rabbet, cut the legs in three pieces, and the remainder of the rabbet the same bigness, beat them thin and fry them in butter over a quick fire; when they are fried put them into a stew-pan with a little gravy, a spoonful of catchup, and a little nutmeg; then shake it up with a little flour and butter. Garnish your dish with crisp parsley. A white fricassy of RABBETS.

How to make a Pudding for the Hare. Take the liver, a little beef-suet, sweet-marjoram and parsley shred small, with bread-crumbs and two eggs; season it with nutmeg, pepper and salt to your taste, mix all together and if it be too stiff put in a spoonful or two of cream: You must not boil the liver. To make a brown fricassy of RABBETS.

Garnish your dish with sippets and lemon. How to make a brown fricassy of CHICKENS. Take two or more chickens, as you would have your dish in bigness, cut them up as you do for eating, and flat them a little with a paste-pin; fry them a light-brown, and put them into your stew-pan with a little gravy, a spoonful or two of white wine, a little nutmeg and salt; thicken it up with flour and butter.

Order the chickens as for fricassy, and form the pie deep, lay in the bottom a mince-meat made of the chicken's livers, ham, parsley and yolks of eggs; season with white pepper, mace, and a little salt; moisten with butter, then lay the chicken above the minc'd meat, and a little more butter; cover the pie and bake it two hours; when baked take off the fat, and add to it white gravy, with a little juice of lemon.

They are proper for a side-dish. To make a Fricassy of TRIPES. Take the whitest seam tripes you can get and cut them in long pieces, put them into a stew-pan with a little good gravy, a few bread-crumbs, a lump of butter, a little vinegar to your taste, and a little mustard if you like it; shake it up altogether with a little shred parsley. Garnish your dish with sippets.

Garnish you dish with a little raw onion and sippets. To make a white fricassy of CHICKENS.

Garnish your dish with crisp parsley. Boiled PIGEONS with fricassy Sauce. Take your pigeons, and when you have drawn and truss'd them up, break the breast bone, and lay them in milk and water to make them white, tie them in a cloth and boil them in milk and water; when you dish them up put to them white fricassy sauce, only adding a few shred mushrooms. Garnish with crisp parsley and sippets.

This is proper for a bottom dish. A LEG of LAMB boil'd with CHICKENS round it. When your lamb is boil'd pour over it parsley and butter, with coddled gooseberries, so lay the chickens round your lamb, and pour over the chickens a little white fricassy sauce. Garnish your dish with sippets and lemon. This is proper for a top dish. A Fricassy of LAMB white.

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