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Celestin Crevel was quite amiable; he was perhaps rather too much the ex-perfumer, but as a Major he was beginning to acquire majestic dignity. He talked of dancing at the wedding. "Fair lady," said he politely to the Baroness, "people like us know how to forget. Do not banish me from your home; honor me, pray, by gracing my house with your presence now and then to meet your children.

The last way is the easiest " Madame Hulot raised her head, and looked uneasily at the ex-perfumer. "Paris is a town whither every man of energy and they sprout like saplings on French soil comes to meet his kind; talent swarms here without hearth or home, and energy equal to anything, even to making a fortune.

"Oh, if I could but see my daughter married, and die!" cried the poor woman, quite losing her head. "Well, then, this is the way," said the ex-perfumer. Madame Hulot looked at Crevel with a hopeful expression, which so completely changed her countenance, that this alone ought to have touched the man's feelings and have led him to abandon his monstrous schemes.

"And a friend of mine, madame," said the ex-perfumer. "For I, Celestin Crevel, foreman once to old Cesar Birotteau, brought up the said Cesar Birotteau's stock; and he was Popinot's father-in-law.

The last way is the easiest " Madame Hulot raised her head, and looked uneasily at the ex-perfumer. "Paris is a town whither every man of energy and they sprout like saplings on French soil comes to meet his kind; talent swarms here without hearth or home, and energy equal to anything, even to making a fortune.

Say, now, has it come to seek out your sublime virtue, priced at two hundred thousand francs?" The words made Madame Hulot shudder; the nervous trembling attacked her once more. She saw that the ex-perfumer was taking a mean revenge on her as he had on Hulot; she felt sick with disgust, and a spasm rose to her throat, hindering speech. "Money!" she said at last. "Always money!"

And it is you, monsieur, you have hindered the marriage." "Madame," said the ex-perfumer, "I acted the part of an honest man. I was asked whether the two hundred thousand francs to be settled on Mademoiselle Hortense would be forthcoming. I replied exactly in these words: 'I would not answer for it.

Celestin Crevel was quite amiable; he was perhaps rather too much the ex-perfumer, but as a Major he was beginning to acquire majestic dignity. He talked of dancing at the wedding. "Fair lady," said he politely to the Baroness, "people like us know how to forget. Do not banish me from your home; honor me, pray, by gracing my house with your presence now and then to meet your children.

And it is you, monsieur, you have hindered the marriage." "Madame," said the ex-perfumer, "I acted the part of an honest man. I was asked whether the two hundred thousand francs to be settled on Mademoiselle Hortense would be forthcoming. I replied exactly in these words: 'I would not answer for it.

And then the ex-perfumer derived from this style of living it was the inevitable, a free-and-easy life, Regence, Pompadour, Marechal de Richelieu, what not a certain veneer of superiority. Crevel set up for being a man of broad views, a fine gentleman with an air and grace, a liberal man with nothing narrow in his ideas and all for the small sum of about twelve to fifteen hundred francs a month.