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Updated: August 19, 2024

At his returne to Opechancanoughs, all the King's women and their children flocked about him for their parts, as a due by Custome, to be merry with such fragments. "But his waking mind in hydeous dreames did oft see wondrous shapes Of bodies strange, and huge in growth, and of stupendious makes." At last they brought him to Meronocomoco, where was Powhatan their Emperor.

But he was most lowly deceived, as all they are and shall be that put their trust in such dark drowsye dreames of hipocrites. The King therefore commanded that he should be hanged up, and his sonne also with him, lest any more false prophets should arise of that race."

But the sequele thereof hath since awaked out of dreames thousands of soules to knowe their Creator, being thereof before that time altogether ignorant: And hath since made sufficient proofe, neither to be fantasticke nor vainely imagined. Withall, how mightily it hath enlarged the dominions of the Crowne of Spaine, and greatly inriched the subiects of the same, let all men consider.

Now heaven blesse me. O me, O me! Leid. He dreames and starts with frightings. I bleed apace but cannot fall: tis here; This will make wider roome. Sleep, gentle Child, And do not looke upon thy bloody father, Nor more remember him then fitts thy fortune. Now shoot your spightes, now clap on all your councells; Here is a constant frend will not betray me.

And for the most ordinary error of our dreames, which consists in that they represent unto us severall objects in the same manner as our exterior senses doe, it matters not though it give us occasion to mistrust the truth of those Ideas, because that they may also often enough cozen us when we doe not sleep; As when to those who have the Jaundies, all they see seems yellow; or, as the Stars or other bodies at a distance, appear much less then they are.

At his returne to Opechancanoughs, all the King's women and their children flocked about him for their parts, as a due by Custome, to be merry with such fragments. "But his waking mind in hydeous dreames did oft see wondrous shapes Of bodies strange, and huge in growth, and of stupendious makes." "At last they brought him to Meronocomoco, where was Powhatan their Emperor.

For my part, when I consider, that in Dreames, I do not often, nor constantly think of the same Persons, Places, Objects, and Actions that I do waking; nor remember so long a trayne of coherent thoughts, Dreaming, as at other times; And because waking I often observe the absurdity of Dreames, but never dream of the absurdities of my waking Thoughts; I am well satisfied, that being awake, I know I dreame not; though when I dreame, I think my selfe awake.

Gentle sir, learne of mee what it is to clog your conscience with murder, to haue your dreames, your sleepes, your solitarie walkes troubled and disquieted with murther. Your shaddowe by daye will affright you, you will not see a weapon vnsheathd, but immediately you will imagine it is predestinate for your destruction.

The King of Morocco, I thinke. Ri. Tis so, she dreames. What strange Chimeras wee Doe fancie in our sleepe! I were best wake her. Madam, Madam! La. O Murder, Murder! Ri. Sweet heart, Madam, wake! La. Whoes that? Ri. Tis I. La. Sir Richard? Oh you have delivered me From such a dreame I quake to thinke upon't. Ri. I must confesse you frighted me at first. Enter Dorothy. Do. Ri.

4 Whether a man hauing had companie with his wife, might enter the church, or receiue the communion before he was washed with water? 5 Whether after pollusion by night in dreames, a man might receiue the communion: or if he were a priest, whether he might say masse? To these questions Gregorie maketh answere at full in the booke and place before cited, which for bréefenesse we passe ouer.

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