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He always found a large number of hungry mouths ready to relieve him from any superabundance of game; and, as his hospitality to all classes is unbounded, he took especial delight in feeding and liberally bestowing his bounties upon his poor Mexican neighbors, to whom powder and lead were more of a desideratum than to himself, and with whom his experience and skill as a hunter, were a source of support which they could only wish for.

Walker remarks, 'Although timber is a great desideratum on a mining-estate, the thick woods have the disadvantage of concealing many rich deposits of gold, and I have very little doubt that the diminution of the population, and the consequent overgrowth of the bush or jungle, has much to do with the great falling off in the production and export of gold from this region.

Ever since his graduation, he had believed that the greatest of all technical problems was the production of cheaper power. That it was the great desideratum in cities in the production of food, and in food transportation from farms to trunk lines, on railways and on the ocean. While in America he had discussed the matter of cheaper power with Edison, Thompson, Tesla, and others.

The great desideratum in modern times is an efficient check upon the power of banks, preventing that excessive issue of paper whence arise those fluctuations in the standard of value which render uncertain the rewards of labor.

Photographers will be able to obtain what has long been a desideratum a large image of the moon; and the sun will doubtless have to reveal a few more secrets concerning his physical constitution, to say nothing of the remote and mysterious nebulæ.

"O, 'cause he's nice; and 'cause he'll take me to the Theayter; and 'cause he'll treat, apples, and peanuts, and candy, you know, and and ice-cream," wiping the beads from his little red face, the last desideratum evidently suggested by the fiery summer heat. "I say, Sallie!" a pause "won't you get me some ice-cream this evening?" "Yes, Bobbity, if you'll be a good boy."

It is difficult to explain real beauty; a defect in one country is a desideratum in another; scars upon the face are, in Europe, a blemish; but here and in the Arab countries no beauty can be perfect until the cheeks or temples have been gashed. Each tribe has its peculiar fashion as to the position and form of the cicatrix.

Education continued, as consisting of knowledge and prohibitions Good, which the Quakers have done by prohibitions, without any considerable knowledge Greater good, which they would do with it Knowledge then a great desideratum in the Quaker education Favourable state of the society for the communication of it with purity, or without detriment to morals In what this knowledge should consist General advantages of it Peculiar advantages, which it would bring to the society.

Ashore with the caterer of the mess, marketing for sea-stores; a difficult task among a set of people who, though poor, care little about making a profit by selling what they have. Many of them would not take money, requiring in payment some article of clothing, especially shirts, or, as the next grand desideratum, trowsers.

To this we have an affirmative reply to give, coupled with some modifications, and point to the Central climatic division of the continent as possessing, in its dry elastic atmosphere and generally equable temperature, the requisite desideratum.