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It was said that he went for the purpose of asking the Czar to authorise him to write a work that should be to a certain extent official, for the purpose of refuting M. de Custine's Russia in 1839, and that, having demanded an audience in too cavalier a tone, he was ordered to regain the frontier by the shortest possible route.

Jameson's 'Visits and Sketches' and 'Life in Mexico. Do you know the 'Santa Expedition, and Custine's 'Russia, and 'Forest Life' by Mrs. Clavers? You will think that my associative process is in a most disorderly state, by all this running up and down the stairs of all sorts of subjects, in the naming of books.

Custine's advanced guard no sooner came in sight than the elector and all the higher functionaries fled to Aschaffenburg.

It is hardly necessary to point out that it was this fatal number which fixed the date in Franchomme's memory. But supposing Chopin and George Sand to have really met at the Marquis de Custine's, was this their first meeting? I put the question to Liszt in the course of a conversation I had with him some years ago in Weimar.

On Custine's trial, this was made a part of his accusation.

The former, having occupied Frankfort, was driven back to the Rhine; the latter defeated the Allies at Valmy, but failed in the task of coming to Custine's support at the proper moment for combined action. Meantime the agitation in Paris had taken the form of personal animosity to "Louis Capet," as the leaders of the disordered populace called the King.

Notwithstanding the threat of being treated, in case of refusal, as slaves, the citizens and peasantry, plainly foreseeing that, instead of receiving the promised boon of liberty, they would but expose themselves to Custine's brutal tyranny, withheld their signatures, and the clubbists finally established a republic under the protection of France without the consent of the people, removed all the old authorities, and, at the close of 1792, elected Dorsch, a remarkably diminutive, ill-favored man, who had formerly been a priest, president.

Gutmann was sure that this matinee took place either in 1836 or in 1837, and was inclined to think that it was in the first-mentioned year. Franchomme, whom I questioned about the matinee at the Marquis de Custine's, had no recollection of it. Nor did he remember the circumstance of having on this or any other occasion played a trio of Mayseder's with Gutmann and Vidal.

It will enquire into Custine's conduct. Incompetent or traitor, he will be superseded by a General resolved to win the victory, and ça ira!" He turned over a heap of papers, scrutinizing them with his tired eyes: "That our soldiers may do their duty with a quiet mind and stout heart, they must be assured that the lot of those they leave behind at home is safeguarded.

On Custine's trial, this was made a part of his accusation.