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Several minor calls for shorter terms of enlistment, aggregating more than forty thousand, are here omitted for brevity's sake. Had the Western victories continued, had the Mississippi been opened, had the Army of the Potomac been more fortunate, volunteering would doubtless have continued at quite or nearly the same rate.

Cheating, Mr. Atheism thirteen in all. Mr. Incredulity is the eldest, and Mr. Atheism the youngest, of the company. There was also an election of common councilmen, and others; as bailiffs, sergeants, constables, and others; but all of them like to those afore-named, being either fathers, brothers, cousins, or nephews to them; whose names, for brevity's sake, I omit to mention.

Even when his hands chanced to be unemployed his brows were knitted, busily planning what to do next. "Well now, gentlemen," resumed the captain, "let us consider the order of business. The first thing that must be done now is to unstow the hold, and deposit its contents on the small island astern of us, which we shall call Store Island, for brevity's sake.

For he has the perfectest idea of any of the particular sorts of substances, who has gathered, and put together, most of those simple ideas which do exist in it; among which are to be reckoned its active powers, and passive capacities, which, though not simple ideas, yet in this respect, for brevity's sake, may conveniently enough be reckoned amongst them.

In this and the following notes, for brevity's sake, various quotations are summarized and connected. Therefore the attempt to establish or defend divine order with human reason, unless that reason has previously been established and enlightened by faith, is just as futile, as if I would throw a light upon the sun with a lightless lantern, or rest a rock upon a reed.

I'll unkennel you whoever may be afraid of you, I'm not my name's O'Driscol, sirra Fitzgerald O'Driscol, commonly called for brevity's sake, Fitzy O'Driscol a name, sir, that ought to strike terror into you and if it didn't, it isn't here I'd be hunting you out with you now surrendher, I say, or if you don't upon my honor and conscience you're a dead man. 'What's the matter, sir? I asked 'in Heaven's name, who have you there? 'Who is in the coalhole, father? asked Fergus, with a face whose gravity showed wonderful strength of muscle.

For brevity's sake I will further describe his fifth state only. "If he is placed in an electric bath, or if a magnet is placed on his head, it looks at first sight as though a complete physical cure had been effected. All paralysis, all defect of sensibility, has disappeared.

And though some do pretend, that the faults here spoken of by our Saviour in this place, were injuries, not scandals; and that the church here mentioned was not any ecclesiastical consistory, or court, but the civil Sanhedrin, a court of civil judicature; and yet most absurdly they interpret the binding and loosing here spoken of, to be doctrinal and declarative; not juridical and authoritative; as if the doctrinal binding and loosing were in the power of the civil Sanhedrin: yet all these are but vain, groundless pretences and subterfuges, without substance or solidity, as the learned and diligent reader may easily find demonstrated by consulting these judicious authors mentioned in the foot note, to whom for brevity's sake he is referred for satisfaction in these and divers such like particulars.

I shall only observe before I proceed any farther, that though the ideas of cause and effect be derived from the impressions of reflection as well as from those of sensation, yet for brevity's sake, I commonly mention only the latter as the origin of these ideas; though I desire that whatever I say of them may also extend to the former.

From the primitive apostolical pattern laid down, Acts xv., &c., and from divers other considerations; but for brevity's sake, only the two last arguments shall be a little insisted upon. Argum. I. The unity or oneness of the visible Church of Christ now under the New Testament, laid down in Scripture, gives us a notable foundation for church government by juridical synods. For, 1.