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The gay cavalcade, after a long ride, returned to the chateau, to find a sumptuous repast awaiting them in the magnificent banqueting hall, where the poor young baron had once supped with the wandering comedians, upon their own provisions.

At the opposite end of this great banqueting tent, there stood a buffet or side-board, full of vessels of china and of silver, for serving the liquors. During the entertainment, they were regaled by a band of music, and a number of young persons, in strange dresses, performed various tricks for their amusement.

British Canadian Fur Merchant. Origin of the Northwest Company. Its Constitution. Its Internal Trade. A Candidate for the Company. Privations in the Wilderness. Northwest Clerks. Northwest Partners. Northwest Nabobs. Feudal Notions in the Forests. The Lords of the Lakes. Fort William. Its Parliamentary Hall and Banqueting Room. Wassailing in the Wilderness.

On one side of the garden, at right angles to the house, the wall shelved into a great grass terrace, and here stood a sort of wing, flanked by two glorious old towers, crumbling and ivy-draped, forming entrances to a vast room, tapestried, which had been a banqueting hall in the picturesque Tudor days.

About eight o'clock there were indications from the shadowy portions of the banqueting chamber that G. was getting sleepy, and that the hour had arrived when it was usual for residents to retire for the night. Even on the top of a mountain one cannot go to bed at eight o'clock, and we affected to disregard these signals.

That he would give in a true particular of his debts and credits. That he would endeavour to pay his debts as soon as possible. That he would be present at the abbey at morning and evening prayer. That he would demean himself honestly and quietly, avoid suspected houses, unlawful games, banqueting, and riotous company.

Do not enter unless I call you. Bring my sword with you." Beric passed through two or three large apartments and then entered the banqueting room. It was ablaze with lights. A dozen men and as many women, in the scantiest costumes, lay on couches along each side of the table.

Oh, Davy! Davy! The outside electric lights make a thousand monuments, hospitals, sarcophagi, portraits and panics on the chamber walls. The hours go past. There is a bustle in the hotel. There is a sound of merriment in the banqueting hall, directly below. The satisfaction of having dealt tenderly by the beloved dead is expressing itself in choice libations and eloquent addresses.

And he avers that one young woman devoured twenty pounds of cherries, beating her opponent by two pounds and a half. All foreigners were struck with the English love of music and drink, of banqueting and good cheer. You respond, in their language, "Iplaigiu"; that is to say, "Je vous plege."

Its old banqueting hall was still untouched the collectors would give much to rifle that, but they would never get their sharks' noses in. Nothing had been changed, but something added. Once the Mad Khedive had borrowed it for some years and begun his eternal additions. "Forty girls, they say, he kept here," smiled Hamdi Bey. "They gulped their pleasure, in those days.