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Updated: August 4, 2024

"The idee of axin' fur a meracle at this late day, so ez ye kin be satisfied in yer mind ez ye hev got grace! Providence, though merciful, air obleeged, ter know ez sech air plumb scandalous an' redic'lous." "Why, Aurely, hesh up," exclaimed her husband, startled from his wonted leniency. "I hev never hearn ye talk in sech a key, yer voice sounds plumb out o' tune.

I be plumb sorry, Jube, ez I spoke ter you uns 'bout a meracle at all. But I frar consider'ble nettled by yer words, ye see, 'kase I know I be a powerful, lazy, shif'less cuss " "Ye know a lie, then," his helpmate interrupted promptly. "Why, Aurely, hesh up, ye ye woman, ye!" he concluded injuriously. Then resuming his remarks to Kennedy, "I know I do fool away a deal of my time with the fiddle "

We uns hev enough an' ter spare, all we need an' more than we deserve. We don't need ter ax a meracle from the skies ter stay our souls on faith, nor a sign ter prove our grace." "Now, now, stop, Aurely! I declar', Jube I dunno what made me lay my tongue ter sech a word ez that thar miser'ble benighted meracle!

"The whole fambly!" muttered Kennedy. Then, aloud, "Why don't you uns kerry the baby, Basil Bedell, an' give yer wife a rest?" At the prosaic suggestion the crystal realm of dreams was shattered. The bow, with a quavering discordant scrape upon the strings, paused. Then Bedell slowly mastered the meaning of the interruption. "Kerry the baby! Why, Aurely won't let none but herself tech that baby."

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