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The lip of the anther catches upon the back, swings outward on its hinge, and deposits its sticky pollen all over the insect's back, returning to its original position after his departure.

The foremost, a florid, side-whiskered, magnificently soldierly personage, wearing a very fine grey uniform and the stars of a major-general, addressed him. "What are you doing here, thir? Thraggling? Anther me!" Steve saluted. "I ain't the straggling kind, sir. Any man that says I straggle is a liar exceptin' the colonel, and he's mistaken. I'm one of Stonewall's men." "Thtonewall!

That'll end it, I reckon. "So the General went over to the square and talked for about an hour and a half, and then a Chicago man shouted to him to dry up. The General looked pained. "'Boys, said he, 'it's jest every bit as bad for me as it is for you. You'll have to hand up a chair, boys, because I'm never going to get shet of this goldarned speech any anther way." Mr.

He said there wasn't any work; so knowin' Llewellyn was badly in need of people, I sent him to his vanilla plantation out Mataiea way. You know here they haven't the bees or whatever it is that transfers the pollen from the stigma to the anther or what-d 'ye-call-it, and so they do it by hand with a piece of bamboo or a stem of grass.

Such requisites are perfectly fulfilled by the humblebee, and we may well hazard the prophecy that the Bombus is the welcomed affinity of the flower. At A the bee is seen sipping the nectar. His forward movement thus far to this point has only seemed to press the edge of the anther inward, and thus keep it even more effectually closed.

By this time the horses were caught, anther carriage procured, and Mary, still supported by Billy Bender, was carefully lifted into it, and borne back to Mr. Selden's house. Henry Lincoln also accompanying her, and giving out numerous orders as to "what ought to be done!" Many of Ida's friends, hearing of the accident, flocked in to see her, and to inquire after the young lady who was injured.

An Italian writer, in a discourse on the irritability of flowers, asserts, that if the top of the floret be touched, all the filaments which support the cylindrical anther will contrast themselves, and that by thus raising or depressing the anther the whole of the prolific dust is collected on the stigma.

Upon the stalk of this column there appear from the front three lobes two small ones at the sides, each of which hides an anther attached to its under face the large terminal third lobe being in truth a barren rudiment of a former stamen, and which now overarches the stigma. The relative position of these parts may be seen in the under view.

Concealed within, against the ridge-pole, as it were, the anther awaits his coming, and in his passage to and from the nectar below spreads its pollen over his head and back. Thus he continues until the third segment is reached, from which he carries away a fresh load of pollen to another flower.

And I saw, and, lo! a white cloud, and upon the cloud sat one like to a son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And anther angel came forth out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat upon the cloud, Put in thy sickle, and reap: for the hour is come for thee to reap; because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.