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There are many who have never heard of Alexandrowo, and others who know it only too well. How many a poor devil has dropped from the footboard of the train just before these electric lights were reached to take his chance of crossing the frontier before morning history will never tell!

Martin was seen at Alexandrowo with Cartoner. Wanda was seen speaking to him at the Mokotow. He is known to have called on you at your hotel in London." "It is a question of dropping his acquaintance, my friend," said the prince, "and I tell you, he shall be dropped." "It is more than that," answered Kosmaroff, half sullenly.

He had twelve hours' start of anybody, and was twenty-four hours ahead of all except Paul Deulin, whose train had steamed into Berlin Station as the Warsaw Express left it. He seemed to know the ways of Alexandrowo, and the formalities to be observed at the frontier, but he was not eager to betray his knowledge.

There are always sentries on the outer side of the train. The platform is a prison-yard the waiting rooms are prison-yards. With a passport in perfect order, vised for here and there and everywhere, with good clothes, good luggage, and nothing contraband in baggage or demeanor, Alexandrowo is easy enough. Obedience and patience will see the traveller through.

It seemed that he was sleepy now, and did not wish to talk. "I know Alexandrowo pretty well," the other volunteered, nevertheless, "and the ways of these gentlemen. With some of them I am quite on friendly terms. They are inconceivably stupid; as boring as the multiplication-table. I am going to Warsaw; are you? I fancy we have the sleeping-car to ourselves. I live in Warsaw as much as anywhere."

Deulin was the first to speak. He had strong views upon last words and partings. The mere thought of such things made him suddenly energetic and active. He turned to Wanda with his watch in his hand. "Your mind is made up?" he asked. "You go to-night?" "Yes." "Then I must go at once to see to your passport and make arrangements for the journey. I take you as far as Alexandrowo.

As for you, at Alexandrowo you rejoice in a happy obscurity. You will pass in with the crowd, I suppose." "I always try to," replied Cartoner. Which was strictly true. "You see," went on Martin, not too discreetly, considering their environments, "we cannot forget that we were a great nation before there was a Russian Empire or an Austrian Empire or a German Empire.

How many have succeeded in passing in and out of that dread railway station with a false passport and a steady face, beneath the searching eye of the officials, Heaven only knows! There is no other way of passing Alexandrowo of getting in or out of the kingdom of Poland but by this route.

"Then I will tell you," said Lady Orlay, who, as Paul Deulin had said, was very experienced and very discerning. "You are going to Russia, all of you." Daylight was beginning to contend with the brilliant electric illumination of the long platform as that which is called the Warsaw Express steamed into Alexandrowo Station.