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Updated: August 8, 2024

CONSUMMATION of the Age, signifies the last time or end of the church, 80. CONTEMPT between married partners springs from disunion of souls, 236. CONTINGENCIES and circumstances vary every thing, 485, 488. CONTRARIES arise from an opposite principle in contrariety thereto, 425. CONVICTION of the spirit of man, how it is effected, 295.

The total tax collected on distilled spirits was $92,546,999; on manufactured tobacco, $36,230,522, and on fermented liquors, $39,515,421. We exported merchandise during the year amounting to $1,231,482,330, an increase of $180,488,774 from the preceding year.

Between these points, in order to strengthen the wall, twisted steel rods, 1 in. square, were placed longitudinally, 6 in. in from the face of the wall and 2 ft. apart vertically, between Elevations 295 and 335. P.T. & T.R.R. Co. Terminal Station West. Showing excavation of completion of South abutment 9th Ave. and method of Supporting Elevated Railway Column 488. P.T. & T.R.R. Co.

In 1859 he was elected a Senator in Congress from Rhode Island, and was subsequently re-elected for a second term, which ends in 1871. 36, 37, 487, 488, 497. SAMUEL M. ARNELL was born in Maury County, Tennessee, May 3, 1834. He studied at Amherst College, Massachusetts, and adopted the profession of law, which he practiced in Columbia, Tennessee.

The total tax collected on distilled spirits was $92,546,999; on manufactured tobacco, $36,230,522, and on fermented liquors, $39,515,421. We exported merchandise during the year amounting to $1,231,482,330, an increase of $180,488,774 from the preceding year.

Italian activity was renewed again on the Isonzo front. After intense artillery preparation a Naples brigade, supported by dismounted cavalry detachments, in a surprise attack, penetrated Austrian lines east of Monfalcone. The trenches remained in Italian possession after a severe struggle, during which 10 officers, 488 men, and 7 machine guns were captured.

The interested reader is referred to the original papers, as well as to the discussion which follows; after which he may decide for himself which seems to him the more rational explanation of the facts. Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. xxi. pp. 436-515. Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, p. 92. Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. xxi. p. 488. Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. xxi. p. 487.

The last forty-five years of his life, Buddha spent within the valley of the Ganges River, teaching his simple lesson of submission and meekness unto all men. In the year 488 before our era, he died, full of years and beloved by millions of people. He had not preached his doctrines for the benefit of a single class. Even the lowest Pariah might call himself his disciple.

Add to all these the suffering prisoners of war, and we have over 24,000,000 men who deeply need the ministry of this Movement, and need it now. Here are millions who have already suffered or who are going forward ready to make the great sacrifice for us. What sacrifice shall we make for them? See World Almanac 1916, p. 488.

A Roman Council, in 487 or 488, made the requisite regulations with regard to those who had suffered iteration of baptism, and those who had lapsed. King Trasamund, from 496 to 523, wished again to make Arianism dominant, and tried to gain individual Catholics by distinctions.

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