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This is a monodiet of fairly substantial quantities of either well-cooked green beans or well-cooked zucchini, the choice between these two foods depending on the acid-base balance of the blood. I also put him on heavy vitamin support and protomorphogens for his desperate immune system. While on the Bieler fast he did daily enemas at home.

Sprouts Baby Greens Salad Juices Fruit alfalfa sunflower lettuce beet grapefruit radish buckwheat celery celery lemon bean zucchini zucchini lime lime clover kale kale orange orange fenugreek endive radish parsley apple wheat tomato tomato raspberries cabbage cabbage cabbage blueberries carrot carrot grapes spinach apple peaches parsley grapefruit apricots sweet pepper lemon strawberry

Here I should also mention the "lemon juice/cayenne pepper/maple syrup cure," the various green drink cures using spirulina, chlorella, barley green or wheat grass, and the famous Bieler broths vegetable soups made of overcooked green beans or zucchini. I do not believe that monodiets work because of some magical property of a particular food used.

Very Perishable Moderately Perishable Durable lettuce zucchini apple spinach eggplant squash Chinese cabbage sweet peppers oranges kale broccoli cabbage endive cauliflower carrot peaches apricots lemons parsley beets The half life of produce can be lengthened by lowering its temperature. For that reason, sophisticated produce growers usually use hydrocooling.

It was connected to the vascular system of a plant and with few exceptions, is not intended by nature to remain intact after being cut. A lettuce or a zucchini was entirely alive at the moment of harvest, but from that point, its cells begin to die. Even if it is not yet attacked by bacteria, molds and fungi, its own internal enzymes have begun breaking down its own substances.

Had colonics been available to him, Daniel couldn't have afforded them. Within three weeks he was far more comfortable, had less pain, more energy even though he was still eating nothing but zucchini, had less swelling in his joints. During the first month he lost about ten pounds and had been skinny to start with.

If you select something more "solid" for a long monodiet fast, like pureed zucchini, it is essential that you not overeat. Dr. Bieler gave his fasting patients only one pint of zucchini soup three or four times a day. The way to evaluate how much to eat is by how much weight you are losing. When fasting, you must lose weight! And the faster the better.

Starches Proteins Fats Sugars Watery Vegetables bread meats butter honey zucchini potatoes eggs oils fruit green beans noodles fish lard sugar tomatoes manioc/yuca most nuts nuts molassas peppers baked goods dry beans avocado malt syrup eggplant grains nut butters maple syrup radish winter squash split peas dried fruit rutabaga parsnips lentils melons turnips sweet potatoes soybeans carrot juice Brussels sprouts yams tofu beet juice celery taro root tempeh cauliflower plantains wheat grass juice broccoli beets "green" drinks okra spirulina lettuce algae endive yeast cabbage dairy carrots