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"Well, my dear," she said, as she plumped herself into the rocking-chair, "and how do you do?" "Very well, thank you," replied Katy, thinking that she never saw Mrs. Worrett look half so fat before, and wondering how she was to entertain her. "And how's your Pa?" inquired Mrs. Worrett. Katy answered politely, and then asked after Mrs. Worrett's own health.

"But," said Katy, amazed, "Conic Section isn't exactly country, you know. It is just out of the city, only six miles from here. And Mrs. Worrett's house is close to the road, papa said. Do you think you'd like it, dear? It can't be very much cooler than this." "Oh, yes! it can," rejoined Elsie, in a tone which was a little fretful. "It's always cooler on a farm.

I wish your poor aunt were here to-day; that I do. How pleased she'd be?" It is doubtful whether Aunt Izzie would have been so pleased, for the lived-in look of the best parlor would have horrified her extremely; but Katy did not recollect that just then. She was touched at the genuine kindness of Mrs. Worrett's voice, and took very willingly her offered kiss.

Some cows going down a lane toward their milking shed, mooed in a dispirited and thirsty way, which made the children feel thirsty also. "I want a drink of water awfully," said John. "Do you suppose it's much farther? How long will it be before we get to Mrs. Worrett's, Alexander?" "'Most there, miss," replied Alexander, laconically.

Worrett's called: "Isaphiny, Isaphiny, come and see if you can open this door." "How funny!" whispered Johnnie, beginning to giggle. "Isaphiny" seemed to be upstairs; for presently they heard her running down, after which a fresh rattle began at the obstinate bolt. But still the door did not open, and at length Mrs. Worrett put her lips to the keyhole, and asked, "Who is it?"