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Our estimate of human nature is exalted; but there are no happy communities to-day which owe their existence to the Jesuit pioneers. The priests themselves were wifeless and childless, and the family hearthstone could not be planted on the sites of their immolations and triumphs. Nor were the disciples of Loyola aided, as were the Calvinists, by persecution at home. All alike were good Catholics.

A studious man, cold, taciturn, and self-contained as a rule, caring little for general society and devoted to his profession, the want in his life, the blank in his wifeless and childless home, was not to him what it would have been to a more impulsive, less self-reliant nature.

There came a moisture on the eyelashes of the emotional young woman, from a touch of compassion for the wealthy man who had wished to call her wife, and was condemned by her rejection of him to call another woman wife, to be wifeless in wedding her, despite his wealth. She thinks he loves her; it is pitiable, but she thinks it after the treatment she has had. She begs to see him once.

He rubbed his forehead with a lean hand. He resumed speech like one who talks to himself. "I am a lone wolf, a solitary man, wandering through a world in which I have no part. I am wifeless childless who is it speaks of the childless as the dead twigs on the tree of life? I am wifeless, I childless I could find no duty to do. No desire even in my heart. One thing at last I set myself to do.

Bricket had come to the late Sir Nicholas from his elder brother, dying wifeless and childless.

Pointing to the human brute crouching there, made once in the image of God, the saddest wreck on His green foot-stool: to the great stealthy body, the revengeful jaws, the foreboding eyes. Soul, brains, a man, wifeless, homeless, nationless, hawked, flung from trader to trader for a handful of dirty shinplasters.

It may have come about after Milton had been deserted by his wife in July 1643, and when a few pupils, besides the two nephews he had till then had charge of, were received into his wifeless household. Would not this in itself be an attraction to Hartlib? Was not Milton pursuing a new method with his pupils, between which and the method of Comenius there were points in common?

But there seemed some mortality in the Legard family; in one year after returning to England and settling in B -shire, the admiral found himself wifeless and childless. He then turned to his orphan nephew; and soon became fonder of him than he had ever been of his own children.

Now will we do well, said Ulfius, our king is a lusty knight and wifeless, and my lady Igraine is a passing fair lady; it were great joy unto us all, an it might please the king to make her his queen. Unto that they all well accorded and moved it to the king.

He rubbed his forehead with a lean hand. He resumed speech like one who talks to himself. "I am a lone wolf, a solitary man, wandering through a world in which I have no part. I am wifeless childless who is it speaks of the childless as the dead twigs on the tree of life? I am wifeless, childless I could find no duty to do. No desire even in my heart. One thing at last I set myself to do.