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This had the effect of checking her momentum, just as the aviator checks the downward rush of his monoplane or biplane when he is making a landing. Tom repeated this maneuver several times, until a glance at his barograph showed that they had but a scant sixty feet to go. There was time but for one more upward throwing of the WHIZZER's nose, and Tom held to that position as long as possible.

"Here, listen for yourself," and he passed the head-instrument over to the WHIZZER's former owner. The latter listened a moment. "All I can hear are some faint clicks," he said. "But they are a message," spoke Tom. "Wait, I'll translate," and he put the receiver to his ear. "'STEAMSHIP "FALCON" REPORTS A SLIGHT FIRE IN HER FORWARD COMPARTMENT," said Tom, slowly.

"Takin' up agin yo' neighbors fer a wood-colt, air ye?" "I'm a-takin' up fer what's right and fair. How do you know he's a wood-colt an' suppose he is? You say 'nough now, or " Again Daws looked at the dogs. Jack had taken a fresh grip and was shaking savagely and steadily. Whizzer's tongue was out once his throat rattled.

Slim had been kept at the ranch to look after the fences and the ditches, and was doing full justice to the expert cookery of the Countess. "What makes yuh think that?" The Old Man poised a bit of tender, broiled steak upon the end of his fork. "They's a bunch hangin' around the upper fence, an' Whizzer's among 'em. I'd know that long-legged snake ten miles away."

Oh, Whizzer, you poor fellow, why do you let him abuse you so? Why DON'T you throw him clean off the ranch?" This is exactly what Whizzer was trying his best to do, and Whizzer's best was exceedingly bad for his rider, as a general thing.