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Sir John Trenchard dying, his place of secretary was filled by sir William Trumbal, an eminent civilian, learned, diligent, and virtuous, who had been envoy at Paris and Constantinople. William Nassau de Zulycrstein, son of the king's natural uncle, was created baron of Enfield, viscount Tunbridge, and earl of Rochibrd. Ford, lord Grey of Werke, was made viscount Glendale, and earl of Tankerville.

For, as I have said, there is no genius without a productive power that continues forever operative." Sein Leben und seine Werke. Von Adolf Stahr. Vermehrte und verbesserte Volks-Ausgabe. Dritte Auflage Berlin. 1864. The Same. Translated by E. P. Evans, Ph. D., Professor, &c. in the University of Michigan. Boston: W. V. Spencer. 1866. 2 vols.

The German rendering was by Johann Gottfried Gellius, and the title wasYorick’s Nachgelassene Werke.” The Deutsche Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften does acknowledge the doubtful authorship but accepts completely its Yorick tone and whimone cannot tell the copyist from the original.” Various characteristics are cited as common to this work and Yorick’s other writings, the contrast, change, confusion, conflict with the critics and the talk about himself.

"The Golden Ass" of Apuleius. Sir William Hamilton: Lectures on Metaphysics, p. 40. Jacobi: Von der Gottlichen Dingen; Werke, p. 424-426. Translation, 1776, Yol. ii. p. 103.

And then there happens that which has been well and freshly described by the lamented Feuchtersleben, who died so young: how people cry out in their haste that nothing is being done, while all the while great work is quietly growing to maturity; and then, when it appears, it is not seen or heard in the clamor, but goes its way silently, in modest grief: "Ist doch" rufen sie vermessen Nichts im Werke, nichts gethan!"