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The German rendering was by Johann Gottfried Gellius, and the title wasYorick’s Nachgelassene Werke.” The Deutsche Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften does acknowledge the doubtful authorship but accepts completely its Yorick tone and whimone cannot tell the copyist from the original.” Various characteristics are cited as common to this work and Yorick’s other writings, the contrast, change, confusion, conflict with the critics and the talk about himself.

[Footnote 27: Many of the anonymous books, even those popular in their day, are not given by Goedeke; and Baker, judging only by one external, naturally misses Sterne products which have no distinctively imitative title, and includes others which have no connection with Sterne. For example, he gives Gellius’sYoricks Nachgelassene Werke,” which is but a translation of the Koran, and hence in no way an example of German imitation; he gives also Schummel’sFritzens Reise nach DessauandReise nach Schlesien” , Nonne’sAmors Reisen nach Fockzana zum Friedenscongress” , none of which has anything to do with Sterne. “Trim oder der Sieg der Liebe über die Philosophie” (Leipzig, 1776), by Ludw. Ferd. v. Hopffgarten, also cited by Baker, undoubtedly owes its name only to Sterne. See Jenaische Zeitungen von gel. Sachen, 1777, p.