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There was no need to repeat the request Buvat set off at a trot, gained the Place des Victoires, the Rue du Mail, the Rue Montmartre, and at last arrived at his own house, No. 4, Rue du Temps-Perdu, where, nevertheless, he did not think himself safe till he had shut the door and bolted it behind him.

In the Rue Notre-Dame des Victoires is the immense establishment of the Messageries Royales, from whence start diligences to all parts of France; we will pass through the yard into the Rue Montmartre, at No. 44, is the Marché St. Joseph, at 166, the Fontaine de la Rue Montmartre, and at No. 176, the Hôtel d'Uzès erected by Le Doux, considered one of the finest hôtels in Paris.

During the trial Moreau delivered a defence, which I knew had been written by his friend Garat, whose eloquence I well remember was always disliked by Bonaparte. Of this I had a proof on the occasion of a grand ceremony which took place in the Place des Victoires, on laying the first stone of a monument which was to have been erected to the memory of Desaix, but which was never executed.

16. du Marais, Rue Culture Ste. Catherine. 17. de la Cite, vis-a-vis le Palais de Justice. 18. des Victoires, Rue du Bacq. 19. de Moliere, Rue St. Martin. 20. de l'Estrapade. 21. de Mareux, Rue St. Antoine. 22. des Aveugles, Rue St. Denis. 23. de la Rue St. Jean de Beauvais. Bal masque de l'Opera, Rue de la Loi. 25. de l'Opera Buffa, Rue de la Victoire.

"Everywhere else, excepting at Notre Dame des Victoires in Paris and, more especially, Notre Dame de Fourvière at Lyon, when you go to meet Her, you wait and wait; and often enough She does not come. Whereas in our Cathedral She receives you at once, just as She is.

In the evening Répentigny was burnt in effigy by the masses in the square of Notre Dame des Victoires in the Lower Town.

These were streaming into the Place des Victoires, close by, receiving cheers and congratulations from the people about in the square or at the windows, who seemed delighted to see them.