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A big, broad-shouldered man, in a suit of homespun and a featherless hat, thrust his way rudely trough the crowd and broke into the space within the belt of trees. The combatants had fallen apart at this commanding cry, and the newcomer now dashed forward, flushed and out of breath as if with running. "Vertudieu!

At that some of the colour left her cheeks; her eyes grew startled: at last she began to realize that all was not as she had thought as she had been given to understand. Still, she sought to hector it, from very instinct. "Vertudieu!" she thundered at him. "What mean you?" Behind her Tressan's great plump knees were knocking one against the other.

He patted her shoulder; he soothed her. "Little child," he whispered in her ear. "What does it matter? You did not really love him. He was all unworthy of you. Do not grieve, child. So, so, that is better." She was looking up at him, smiling through the tears that suffused er eyes. "I am weeping for joy, monsieur," said she. "For joy?" quoth he. "Vertudieu!

"And yet I beg that you will exert your mind, or Sunday next shall find us well-nigh homeless. I'll take no charity from the Marquis de Condillac, nor, I think, will you." "If all fails," said he, "we have still your house in Touraine." "My house?" she echoed, her voice shrill with scorn. "My hovel, you would say. Could you abide there in such a sty?" "Vertudieu!

"We had heard that you were dead, and I feared it must be so, for all that the rest of the story that was told us was clearly part of a very foolish jest." "Jest? It was no jest, Vertudieu!" said Garnache grimly. "You had best return to the Palais Seneschal. I have no further need of an escort," he added bitterly. "I shall require a larger force."

"Vertudieu!" swore the Marquise, "and what is this betrothal, what this faithfulness? She has not seen her betrothed for three years. She was a child at the time of their fiancailles. Think you her faithfulness to him is the constancy of a woman to her lover? Go your ways, you foolish boy. It is but the constancy to a word, to the wishes of her father.