United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is part of the training of the philosopher to regard all such generalisations with suspicion; it is part of the training of the Utopist and statesman, and all good statesmen are Utopists, to mingle something very like animosity with that suspicion. For crude classifications and false generalisations are the curse of all organised human life. Section 2

Razumov," queried the General meditatively, after a short silence, "do you often indulge in speculative conversation?" "No, Excellency," answered Razumov, coolly, in a sudden access of self-confidence. "I am a man of deep convictions. Crude opinions are in the air. They are not always worth combating. But even the silent contempt of a serious mind may be misinterpreted by headlong utopists."

That leaves no room for a modern Utopia in Central Africa, or in South America, or round about the pole, those last refuges of ideality. The floating isle of La Cite Morellyste no longer avails. We need a planet. Hewins, was the first of all Utopists to perceive this he joined his twin planets pole to pole by a sort of umbilical cord.

This form is so permanent in his estimation that he thinks of the old Roman jurisprudence, in an "improved" form, as the model of the family for ever, and he does not conceive of the family otherwise than as a permanent unit. The Utopists have the superiority over Herr Duehring here.

The old Utopists never had to encumber themselves with this sort of man. Section 2 How would things be "different" in the Modern Utopia? After all it is time we faced the riddle of the problems of marriage and motherhood.... The Modern Utopia is not only to be a sound and happy World State, but it is to be one progressing from good to better.

The Utopists were thoroughly aware of the effects of the division of labor, of the effect on the one hand of crippling the worker and on the other of crippling the work, the unavoidable result of the lifelong, monotonous repetition of one and the same act.

To a large extent he followed the older Utopists in assuming that the philosophical and constructive problem could be done once for all, and he worked the results out simply under an organised kinetic government.

It dates so much of this present Utopia of ours dates. Those former Utopists were bitterly against gold.

The lamer a political solution was, the brighter appeared to me its prospect of being accepted In the world of realities. In fine, I only care for characters of an absolute idealism: martyrs, heroes, utopists, friends of the impossible. They are the only persons in whom I interest myself; they are, if I may be permitted to say so, my specialty.

The idea of individual liberty is one that has grown in importance and grows with every development of modern thought. To the classical Utopists freedom was relatively trivial. Clearly they considered virtue and happiness as entirely separable from liberty, and as being altogether more important things.