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I've seen Almain's proud champions prance, Have seen the gallant knights of France, Unrivall'd with the sword and lance, Have seen the sons of England true, Wield the brown bill and bend the yew. Search France the fair, and England free, But bonny blue cap still for me!

Let the foe come we will not shrink To meet them if they dare; Well must they fight, ere rashly think To rend apart one sacred link That binds our country fair To that dear isle, from whence we sprung; Which gave our fathers birth; Whose glorious deeds her bards have sung; The unrivall'd of the earth. The highest privilege we claim, To own her sway to bear her name.

"Thou stand'st alone unrivall'd, till the fire, To come, in which all empires shall expire." Truly, when we glance back at the national career of the Russians, they can not but strike us as a wonderful people.

"The time will come, as come again it must, When Lancashire shall lift her head once more; Her suffering sons, now down amid the dust Of Indigence, shall pass through Plenty's door; Her commerce cover seas from shore to shore; Her arts arise to highest eminence; Her products prove unrivall'd, as of yore; Her valour and her virtue men of sense And blue-eyed beauties England's pride and her defence."

Then they are as distinct in form as a perfect physical man or a perfect physical woman. Trinity rock, even a little higher, also rising flush, top-rounded like a great head with close-cut verdure of hair. I consider myself well repaid for coming my thousand miles to get the sight and memory of the unrivall'd duo. They have stirr'd me more profoundly than anything of the kind I have yet seen.