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Something in the run of the unaccented French: 'Son amour, mon ami': drove the significance of the bitterness of the life she had left behind her burningly through him. This was to have fled from a dragon! was the lover's thought: he perceived the motive of her flight: and it was a vindication of it that appealed to him irresistibly.

Certainly, no one would have looked for a pugilist in this subdued old gentleman. He is now Commissioner of Lunacy, and makes periodical circuits through the country, attending to the business of his office. He is slightly deaf, and this may be the cause of his unaccented utterance, owing to his not being able to regulate his voice exactly by his own ear.

But masters of alliterative effects, like Keats, Tennyson and Verlaine, constantly employ alliteration in unaccented syllables so as to color the tone-quality of a line without a too obvious assault upon the ear. The unrhymed songs of The Princess are full of these delicate modulations of sound. "We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea."

They are always counted as short, two syllables may stand instead of one per liquidum mare sudantes | ditem vexarant. or the unaccented syllable may be altogether omitted, as in the second half of the line "ditem vexarant." In a line of Naevius "Runcus atque Purpureus | filii terras." we have in Purpureus an instance of accent dominating over quantity.

It would seem that he had lost his son. And he had lost something incalculably precious that hitherto unquenchable exuberance of the man. "Where is Manuel?" When he spoke his voice was unaccented and stale, like the voice of a man already dead. "Yes, where is Manuel?" He had answered them with their own question. "When did you last see him?"

Discourse itself, it will be observed, has its pauses, seasons of repose thickly interspersed in the action of speech; and besides these has its accented and unaccented syllables, emphatic and unemphatic words, illustrating thus in itself the law which it here affirms.

The first tone is usually an eighth or sixteenth in value, and must stand on the next degree above the principal tone. The principal tone is usually a quarter note or longer in value. In singing the jog, the short note is given a very pointed accent, the voice dropping quickly with a sort of jerk to the second, unaccented, sustained tone.

Of young Powell, leaning against the mizzen-mast and facing his captain she could only see the shoulder and part of a blue serge back. And the unworried, unaccented voice of her father went on tormenting her. "You see, you must understand. When I came out of jail it was with joy. That is, my soul was fairly torn in two but anyway to see you happy I had made up my mind to that.

If so, a simple illustration will show you what "feet" in poetry are. You have perhaps been taught that a "foot" in verse is an accented syllable with one or more unaccented syllables, and you scan poetry by marking all the accented syllables. In Latin, poetry was scanned by marking long vowels and short.

Then, before the solicitor could intervene, Martin Lorimer, drawing down his bushy eyebrows, said, in the unaccented English he used when in a deliberately dangerous mood, "You have given out a false impression of an honest man's character. Now you're going to publish a true one, with a full apology, or we intend to make you suffer.