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Thomas J. wuz a comin' for us, but had spraint his wrist and couldn't drive. Wall, Josia lifted our saddul bags in, and my umbrell, and the band box. But when he went to lift my trunk he faltered. It wuz heavy. I had got relicts from Mount McGregor, from the Battlefield, from the various springs, minerals, stuns, and things, and Josiah couldn't lift it.

Slickers are worn only on horseback and two-thirds of our people had no horses. A man who was so eccentric as to carry an umbrella is known to this day as "Umbrell'" John Walker. In winter, one sometimes may see adults and children going barefoot in snow that is ankle deep. It used to be customary in our settlement to do the morning chores barefooted in the snow.

Wall, I got to the Fair ground with no casualities worth mentionin', and I sauntered round there with my faithful umbrell as my only gardeen, and see a sight, and took considerable comfort.

Suffice it to say the next mornin' the risin' sun gilded my brown straw bunnet and umbrell as I descended from the car at the Grand Central.

The Maister never made muckle o' the savin' o' sic like's them. It seems to me they're naething but a kin' o' warl' 's gear themsel's." "An' yet," argued Robert, "ye'll tak thoucht aboot an auld umbrell? Whaur's yer consistency, lass?" "Gien I war tribled aboot my life," said Janet, "I cud ill spare thoucht for an auld umbrell.

I looked down pityin'ly on him as he stood a few steps below me on the flight o' stairs a-leadin' down to the water's edge. I leaned hard on my faithful old umbrell, for I had a touch of rumatiz that day. And sez I, "Romance, Josiah, should be looked at with the bright eyes of youth, not through spectacles No. 12."

And I gathered up the folds of my cotton umbrell more gracefully in my left hand, and kinder shook out the drapery of my alpaca skirt, and wuz jest advancin' to accost him, when Josiah laid holt of my arm and whispered in a sharp axent "I won't have it. You hain't a-goin' to stop and visit with that man." I faced him with dignity and with some madness in my liniment, and sez I, "Why?"