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Long before she left Manon, Trigger had discovered without much surprise, that the wives, daughters and girl friends of visiting Hub tycoons were as susceptible to the Inger charm as any Precol clerks. The main difference was that they were a lot more direct about showing it. It hadn't really worried her.

With this in mind, it is retooling its infrastructure and investing in new pipelines and ports. The United States is aggressively courted by Russian officials and "oiligarchs" the energy tycoons.

"And the young ones are not," said the young doctor, drily. The boy looked up sharply, coloured a little through the brown painted by the sun on his skin, and then he laughed. "Well, it's all so new and fresh," he said. "I should like to see a storm, though. One of those what do you call 'ems tycoons no, typhoons." "You're getting deeper into the mire," said the doctor, smiling.

The Mikados lost all real power, and the Shoguns or Tycoons had the actual government in their hands. In recent times a revolution occurred which restored to the Mikado the power which had belonged to him in the ancient times, before the changes just related took place.

The sovereignty having been wrested by a usurper from the infant prince, the cause of the Mikado was championed by Yoritomo, a man of spirit and conduct, who overthrew the usurper and restored to the Mikado the shadow, while he retained for himself the substance, of power. He bequeathed to his descendants the dignity he had won, and thus became the founder of the line of Tycoons.

"Lookye here, sir," whispered the coxswain, who seemed to ignore his wound; "I don't want to show no white feathers, nor to holler afore I'm hurt, but if I was you, I should ask Mr Brooke to run straight for the nearest shore say one o' them islands there, afore the storm comes; you arn't got no idea what one o' them tycoons is like.

The Telly reporter on the scene of a police arrest, preferably a murder, a rumble between rival gangs of juvenile delinquents, a longshoreman's fray in which scores of workers were hospitalized. When attempts were made to suppress such broadcasts, the howl of freedom of speech and the press went up, financed by tycoons clever enough to realize the value of the subjects they covered so adequately.

Scores of tombs, containing the remains of the defunct tycoons and their wives, fill the temple court; and as each successive tycoon looked forward to reposing here after death, during life he richly embellished it, and endeavoured to make it worthy to receive so august a body as his own. A bald-headed priest, standing at the great entrance, bids us remove our shoes and follow him.

Down to the latter half of the sixteenth century the Tycoons were active and efficient rulers; but the same fate overtook them which had befallen the Mikados.

The philosophy imported from China, as shown again and again in that land of oft-changing dynasties, harmonizing with arbitrary government, accorded perfectly with the despotism of the Tokugawas, the "Tycoons" who in Yedo ruled from 1603 to 1868.