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Victory along the whole line. The Ayes have carried little more than two-sevenths of the vote. At my friend 's house I found them all full of excitement, gratitude, and joy. July 5, 1880. There are some words which have still a magical virtue with the mass of the people: those of State, Republic, Country, Nation, Flag, and even, I think, Church.

It was found that, in the neighbourhood of these beds, almost every manufacture might be most profitably carried on. A constant stream of emigrants began to roll northward. It appeared by the returns of 1841 that the ancient archiepiscopal province of York contained two-sevenths of the population of England.

For a moment they stood half blinded by the storm, unable to see clearly what kind of room they were in or to tell whose were the voices they heard so plainly. A great fluttering, cackling, and complaining was going on close to them, and a hoarse voice cried out: "One hundred and seventeen and three-quarters feathers to be multiplied by two-sevenths of a pound. That's a sweet one!

"You're adjusted, Jed! But do you really believe that stuff?" Cochrane grinned again. "Only on Tuesdays and Fridays. It's about two-sevenths true. But it does have that much truth in it! Nobody ever gets anything done while they merely make socially acceptable responses to the things that happen to them! Take Dabney himself!

"The reserve of two-sevenths of the land for the Crown and clergy," declared the township of Sandwich in 1817, "must for a long time keep the country a wilderness, a harbour for wolves, a hindrance to a compact and good neighborhood." A further source of discontent developed in the disabilities affecting recent American settlers.

Since we have studied their armaments so long, and have subjected every phase of the situation to statistical analysis, it is certain that we are to succeed but you also know at what cost." "Two-sevenths of our force, with a probable error of one in seven," replied the younger Vorkul.

It may be well at the outset to point out that of the three horizontal divisions of the nave the main arcading occupies approximately three-sevenths of the total height of the wall, while the triforium and clerestory each occupy about two-sevenths.

In the Buxton House of Correction, one and a half pounds of bread, one and a half pints of gruel, one and a half pints of soup, four-fifths of a pound of potatos, and two-sevenths of an ounce of beef.