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He is capable, for instance, of writing lines as bad as the second of this couplet C'est ce même guerrier dont la main tutélaire, De Gusman, votre époux, sauva, dit-on, le père, or as Qui les font pour un temps rentrer tous en eux-mêmes, or Vous comprenez, seigneur, que je ne comprends pas. Voltaire's most striking expressions are too often borrowed from his predecessors.

We soon learn to echo Rochefoucauld's words as he entered Mazarin's carriage, 'everything happens in France; and, like Goethe, cast ourselves on the waves of accident with a more than Quixotic presage, if not of actual adventure, at least of adventurous observation; for it is a realm where Fashion, the capricious tyrant of modern civilization, has her birth, where the 'vielle femme remplissait une mission importante et tutelaire pour tous les âges; where the raconteur exists not less in society than in literature; the elysium of the scholar, the nucleus of opinion, the arena of pleasure, and the head-quarters of experiment, scientific, political, artistic, and social.

I think that man was trying to get your property, my dear Maud, and if I had found something I would tell you all about. But it was very great sottise, and you were very right to denounce me to Monsieur. Je n'ai point de rancune contre vous. No, no, none at all. On the contrary, I shall be your gardienne tutelaire wat you call? guardian angel ah, yes, that is it.