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The pointed end of the frame has on each side a turnbuckle G, for the purpose of winding up the shaft, and thus twisting the propeller, although this is usually dispensed with, and the propeller itself is turned to give sufficient twist to the rubber for this purpose.

THE POWER FOR MODEL AEROPLANES. One end of the rubber is attached to the hook of the shaft C, and the other end to the hook or to the turnbuckle G, if it should be so equipped.

The stalking shadow of a man moving slowly warned Johnny of an approaching visitor. He did not trouble to turn his head; he even moved farther into the shed, to tighten a turnbuckle that was letting a cable sag a little. "Hello, old top how they using yuh?" greeted a voice that had in it a familiar, whining note. Johnny's muscles stiffened.

The car is a Dixon, 1912, seven-passenger, touring, No. 193,222, license No. 200,859, New York; dark red body, mohair top, brass lamps, has no wind shield; rear axle brake band device has extra nut on turnbuckle not painted. Car last seen near Prince Henry Hotel, New York City, Friday, the 10th.

His dull apathy of despair received something in the nature of a shock when he walked around the corner and almost butted into Bland, who had just finished tightening a turnbuckle and stepped back to walk around the end of a wing. Bland's pale, unpleasant eyes watered with welcome which was even more surprising to Johnny than his actual presence there. "Why, hello, old top!