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Among the Bagobo the name "diwata" is used rather as a collective than as a specific term, and refers to the gods in general, or to any one of them. Pamulak Manobo, creator of the earth, is the diwata here referred to. Tuglay, the "old man" of Bagobo myth, and Tuglibung, the "old woman," were the Mona, who lived on the earth before time began.

Then Tuglay and Tuglibung ran away, and left their children. They ran and ran until they reached the T'oluk Waig; but they could not get away from the falla. The nine days of falla had caught up with them. At home, the children woke up and found no mother and father there, and they began to cry. They thought they would run after their parents.

There the spirits wash all their joints in the black river that runs through Banua Mebu'yan, and they wash the tops of their heads too. If the spirit could return to its body, the body would get up and be alive again. Story of Lumabat and Wari Tuglay and Tuglibung had many children. One of them was called Lumabat.

Tuglay and Mona made all the things in the world; but the god made the woman and the man. Mona was also called Tuglibung. Tuglay and Tuglibung got rich, because they could see the god. But the snake was there too, and he gave the fruit to the man and the woman, saying to them, "If you eat the fruit, it will open your eyes." Then they both ate the fruit. This made the god angry.

The old man was called Tuglay, and the old woman, Tuglibung. The two were married, and lived together. The Tuglay made a great house, and planted seeds of different kinds that Diwata gave him. Diwata made the sun, the moon, the stars, and the rivers. Now, when the great crab bites the great eel, the eel wriggles, and this produces an earthquake.

Tradition says that they were acquainted with only the rudest of Bagobo arts and industries; that they were very poor, and dressed themselves in the soft sheath torn from the cocoanut-trees. Tuglay and Tuglibung are not specific, but general, names for all those old people of the tales. The name "Mona" is ordinarily applied to the old man as well as to the old woman of prehistoric days.

But all this came about before Lumabat went to heaven. The Tuglibung and the Tuglay There came a season of drought, when their bananas spoiled, and all their plants died from the hot sun. Tuglibung and Tuglay were very hungry, and looked skinny, because they had nothing to eat. So the old folks started on their journey to the source of the rivers.

After this, Tuglibung and Tuglay could not see the god any more. Why the Sky Went Up In the beginning, when the world was made, the sky lay low down over the earth. At this time the poor families called "Mona" were living in the world. The sky hung so low, that, when they wanted to pound their rice, they had to kneel down on the ground to get a play for the arm.

Then the poor woman called Tuglibung said to the sky, "Go up higher! Don't you see that I cannot pound my rice well?" So the sky began to move upwards. When it had gone up about five fathoms, the woman said again, "Go up still more!" This made the sun angry at the woman, and he rushed up very high.