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Pelletan hastily affixed his signature, and the thing was done. "Now, my friend," continued the American, "which is the swellest suite of rooms you've got in the house?" "De luxe A," responded Pelletan. "Monsieur wishes " "I wish you to get it ready at once " "Monsieur will occupy it himself, no toubt?" "No, I won't; I'll stay right where I am.

"Tat you haf tone it yourself, ten, Malcolm? My prave poy!" "No, daddy; I took my licks like a man, for I deserved them." "Deserfed to pe peaten, Malcolm to pe peaten like a tog? Ton't tell her tat! Ton't preak her heart, my poy." "It wasna that muckle, daddy. I only telled him auld Horny was at 's lug." "And she'll make no toubt it was true," cried Duncan, emerging sudden from his despondency.

It could not pe without ta sem fathers, and ta sem chief." "He wad say it was 'cause we war a' o' ae bluid 'cause we had a' ae father." "Oh yes, no toubt! We aal come from ta same first paarents; put tat will be a fery long way off, pefore ta clans cot tokether. It 'll not pe holding fery well now, my son. Tat waas pefore ta Cawmills."

"For there is no toubt put the tevil, when Owen Thomas saw him, must have peen sitting on a piece of rock in a straight line from him on the other side of the river, where he used to sit, look you, for a whole summer's tay, while Hugh Llwyd was on his pulpit, and there they used to talk across the water! for Hugh Llwyd, please your honour, never raised the tevil except when he was safe in the middle of the river, which proves that Owen Thomas, in his fright, did n't pay proper attention to the exact spot where the tevil was."

She'll chust pe lying still and not pe ketting up, and when ta work is ofer, and eferypody cone away, she'll chust pe ketting up, and taking a look apout her, to see if she'll pe finding a stand o' pipes that some coot highlandman has peen left pehint him when he tied lately." "You'll find it rather lonely won't you?" "Yes; no toubt, for they'll aal be cone up.