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Updated: December 25, 2024

He was of prime colonial interest, of course, and we were not taken from the thought of him by any charm of the place; but when we had identified his time-dimmed tablet there was no more to do at St. Sepulchre's. The church is at the western end of Old Bailey, and in the dreadful old times when every Friday brought its batch of doomed men forth from the cells, it was the duty of the bellman of St.

He folded her hand more closely as they sat on in the silence, in the falling twilight, and his eyes wandered down the length of the splendid ancestral hall, while his resolve strengthened within him the knights and ladies of the house of Cornaro for centuries back leaning to him out of the quaint carving of their time-dimmed frames fading from him, like ghosts, into the gloom of the distant corners, yet holding him with a strange, vital fascination for it was much to leave.

The time-dimmed inscription tells us to "be reminded by this awful Tomb" of many dismal things with which we refuse to associate our thoughts of this lovely colonial girl. Rather, we recall the story of her intimacy with Mrs. Anne Harrison of Berkeley, and of the compact the two friends made, that whichever should die first should appear at some time to the other.

"And is this you, Aunt Ellen?" she asked, motioning toward another time-dimmed likeness hanging over the bed. "Yes." A silence fell upon the room. Ellen fidgeted. "I've changed a good deal since then," she observed, after waiting nervously for some comment. "You've changed much more than Dad." "How?" Curiosity impelled her to cross to Lucy's side and examine the photograph.

Loved ones may pass away, friends may fail, neighbours may come and go; but here in the quiet old garden, the dear flower faces that look up to cheer are the same that have given heart and comfort to generations so remote that they lie half-forgotten beneath gray, crumbling stones with quaint time-dimmed inscriptions.

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