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The young Prince Jughi. Council of war. Yemuka and Tayian. Temujin crosses the frontier. His advance. Preparations for battle. Kushluk and Jughi. Great battle. Temujin again victorious. Tayian killed. Yemuka is beheaded.

Temujin received the brother very kindly. He accepted the present which he brought him of his daughter, but, as he had already plenty of wives, and as one of his principal officers, the captain of his guards, seemed to take a special fancy to her, he very generously, as was thought, passed over the young lady to him. Of course, the young lady herself had nothing to say in the case.

The war with the Kins continued under later leaders, of whom Yissugei captured a powerful Tartar chief named Temujin. On returning home he learned that his wife had given birth to a son, to whom he gave his captive's name of Temujin. This child, born probably in 1162 A.D., afterwards became the famous conqueror Genghis Khan. The birthplace of the future hero was on the banks of the Onon.

A king never desires that any one of his subjects should become too conspicuous or too great, and Vang Khan would have been very glad to have diminished, in some way, the power and prestige which Temujin had acquired, and which seemed to be increasing every day. He, however, found no means of effecting this in any quiet and peaceful manner.

By this time Temujin began to feel quite strong. He moved on with his army till he came to the borders of a lake which was not a great way from Vang Khan's dominions.

Others were overthrown and trampled in the dust; while all, both those who were up and those who were down, were cutting in every direction with their sabres, killing men and inciting the horses to redoubled fury by the wounds which they gave them. In the midst of such scenes as these Temujin and Porgie fought furiously with the rest. Temujin distinguished himself greatly.

Travis turned his head deliberately from side to side, allowing them all to witness his slow and openly contemptuous appraisal of their camp. "This is your Horde, Shaman? Fifteen warriors? Much has changed since the days of Temujin, has it not?" "What do you know of Temujin you, who are a man of no ancestors, out of the West?" "What do I know of Temujin?

At any rate, Yong-tsi became very much incensed against him, and, on his return, made serious charges against him to the emperor, and urged that he should be seized and put to death. But the emperor declined engaging in so dangerous an undertaking. Yong-tsi's proposal, however, became known to Temujin, and he secretly resolved that he would one day have his revenge.

Temujin, though a great favorite with his own men, was, like almost all half-savage warriors of his class, utterly merciless, when he was angry, in his treatment of his enemies.

The distance which Temujin had to travel to reach this city was about ten days' journey. He was received by Vang Khan with great marks of kindness and consideration. Vang Khan promised to protect him, and, in due time, to assist him in recovering his kingdom.