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Exciting: in the sense of stimulation of brain and nervous system to higher tension, but not necessarily attended by disposition to labor or useful activity. Now some tea-drinkers find in the beverage exhilaration only, a lightness of mood, but they are disposed to rest and to revery, to simply a passive meditation, or an indulgence of the imagination.

The serious people, politicians, whist-players, and tea-drinkers, are in the parlor. In Madame Deschars' room they are playing a game which consists in hitting upon words with several meanings, to fit the answers that each player is to make to the following questions: How do you like it? What do you do with it? Where do you put it?

"You're wanted on the telephone." I jumped from the car and started for the club. There were the usual groups of tea-drinkers and bridge-players scattered about on the broad veranda, and it seemed to me, as I ran up the steps, that they all stopped talking and looked at me, I thought, with curiosity, if not with pity.

The beautifully-dressed tea-drinkers were there now, under the green glass dome, prattling and smiling, those people he had called his own. And as the music sounded louder, faster, wilder and wilder with the gipsy madness then in that darkening bedchamber his soul became articulate in a cry of humiliation "God in His mercy forgive me, how raw I was!"

We have known tea-drinkers, too, who after a hard day's toil, could drink two or three cups of strong tea and lie down to sleep for the night as quietly as babes are expected to but do not. It must be evident that each person should observe the effects of tea upon himself or herself and be governed accordingly. Tea is a poison to some temperaments, and so are strawberries.

While being walked upon by the haughty Tea-Drinkers they could not claim the protection of the American Flag, because they didn't see the Starry Banner after leaving New York, except in front of a Fake Auction Sale, arranged especially for Tourists. By the time they found themselves in that vast bake-oven known as India they were benumbed and submissive and had settled into a Routine.

I've never had so much as a hint from her until I received this absurd scrawl an hour ago." Miss Fossett produced from her bag a letter written in pencil. "There can be no harm in your hearing it," was Miss Fossett's excuse; "it will give you an idea of the state of the poor thing's mind." The tea-drinkers left their cups and gathered round her.

The serious people, politicians, whist-players, and tea-drinkers, are in the parlor. In Madame Deschars' room they are playing a game which consists in hitting upon words with several meanings, to fit the answers that each player is to make to the following questions: How do you like it? What do you do with it? Where do you put it?

They repaired to the garden and were lucky enough to find a table somewhat removed from the crowd of tea-drinkers. Robin began fanning himself with his broad straw-hat. He felt uncomfortably warm. Quinnox gravely extracted two or three bits of paper from his pocket, and spread them out in order before his sovereign. "Read this one first," said he grimly.

Most tea-drinkers consider tea as ruined if it stands until it reaches the healthful temperature for drink. The following extract, from Dr. "Water is a safe drink for all constitutions, provided it be resorted to in obedience to the dictates of natural thirst only, and not of habit. Unless the desire for it is felt, there is no occasion for its use during a meal."