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As children were plentiful, and preferred playing wherever the chances of being run over seemed greatest, this must have been a tax on Mrs. Tapping's constitution.

It lasted long enough, for all that, to give quite a turn to Mrs. Tapping, whom you may remember as a witness of Dave's accident the bad one nine months ago. Ever since then if Mrs. Riley, to whom she addressed her remarks, would believe her Mrs. Tapping's heart had been in her mouth whenever she had lighted her eye on young children a-playing in the gutters.

So did Mrs. Riley next door, and they stood conversing on the topics of the day, looking at the sunset over the roofs of the cul-de-sac this story has reference to. For Mrs. Tapping's shop was in the main road, opposite to where the embankment operations were in hand. "Ye never will be tellin' me now, Mrs. Tapping, that ye've not hur-r-rd thim calling 'Fire! in the sthrate behind?

It reacted on business there, every bit as much as in Oxford Street; and that was how Tapping's the tallow-chandler's where you got tallow candles and dips, as well as composites; for in those days they still chandled tallow didn't have a single customer in for ten whole minutes by the clock. In that interval Mrs. Tapping seized the opportunity to come out in the street and breathe the air.

"The tapping's going on yet, is it, Joe?" "No. It's stopped, just like Hoover's did," was the gloomy response. "And just when we were getting onto it ourselves." The speaker held up a small board pencilled with figures and letters.

Tapping's objections to her daughter's demeaning, or bemeaning, herself, by marrying into a lower rank of life than her own. All this conversation of these two ladies has nothing to do with the story. The only reason for referring to it is that it took place at this time, just opposite Mrs. Riley's shop, and led her to remark: "You lave the young payple alone, Mrs. Tapping, and they'll fall out.

Tapping's monde, preoccupied by a flavour of chandled tallow, to a halo of pomatum. Mrs. Riley was also unchanged; she, however, had no alarming cardiac symptoms to record. But as to that turn Dave Wardle giv' Mrs. Tapping. It really sent your flesh through your bones, all on edge like, to see a child fly up in the air like that.