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O mountain, every day have I lived happily on thy tablelands. Thus having bidden farewell to the mountain, that slayer of hostile heroes Arjuna blazing like the Sun himself, ascended the celestial car. And the Kuru prince gifted with great intelligence, with a glad heart, coursed through the firmament on that celestial car effulgent as the sun and of extra-ordinary achievements.

Half an hour later, with the sacks of gold securely lashed on the aparejos of the pack-horse, we climbed out of Writing-Stone bottom and swung away over the silent tablelands. With Writing-on-the-Stone scarcely three miles behind, the long-abandoned burrow of a badger betrayed us into the hands of the enemy. The sidelong, covetous glance that passed between them bespoke what was in their minds.

On the shores of the river and its streams lie green levels; from these the bluffs rise steeply for some one or two hundred feet to tablelands of great fertility. The site for the first Mormon temple was on the highest of these hills overlooking the three valleys. Its foundations were quickly laid.

Foster set off with Pete and several passengers, and the Scot gazed about with wonder. "I was born among the hills, but never have I seen ought like this!" he exclaimed. "Man, it passes dreamin' o'; it's just stupenjious! But I wouldna' say they'll mak' much o' farming here." "They have some bench tablelands and pretty rich alluvial valleys," Foster answered with a smile.

The inequalities of the earth's surface, her mountain-barriers protecting whole continents from the Arctic winds, her open plains exposing others to the full force of the polar blasts, her snug valleys and her lofty heights, her tablelands and rolling prairies, her river-systems and her dry deserts, her cold ocean-currents pouring down from the high North on some of her shores, while warm ones from tropical seas carry their softer influence to others, in short, all the contrasts in the external configuration of the globe, with the physical conditions attendant upon them, are naturally accompanied by a corresponding variety in animal and vegetable life.

The quantity of rainfall diminishes as the winds blow over the foothills and the mountains, and the enormous heights of the Himalayas prevent them from passing their snow-clad peaks and ridges. Hence the tablelands of Thibet, which lie beyond, are the dryest and the most arid region in the world.

What has become of all that golden liberality of the Humanists, who found on the high tablelands of the culture of Hellas the very balance of repose in beauty that is most lacking in the modern world?

That extent of ground, that country of the high tablelands which run from the cliffs of the Seine to the cliffs of the Channel almost invariably constituted the field of operations of Arsene Lupin.

A handsome evergreen tree, that can be grown in the more Southerly coast districts, in the foothills of the coast range, and on the coast tablelands. There are several types of the fruit, whose chief value consists in that it ripens its fruit in early spring, when there is a shortage of stone fruits, and that it withstands wind well, so makes a good break for the protection of exposed orchards.

Clear streams ran noisily in most of the ravines. The train passed the cañon head, and one day, after considerable aimless wandering, it turned westward to cross a succession of wide tablelands where feed was good and water still plentiful. The Indian summer season was at its height now, clear balmy days and cloudless nights.