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Ross, as has been said, considered himself an expert at swizzling cocktails, and all three men had a fancy for playing the banjo, which they could never get in tune. In spite of many drawbacks our two friends enjoyed the return to the primitive conditions of life. To be uncivilized has indeed considerable charm when the blood is young and the muscles are strong and wiry.

Why did I swear at a glass of hot? Why, because you are all such a set of scoundrels. I want a glass of hot as much as man ever did. But how can I drink it, when women and children are dying perhaps dead, for all I know for want of warmth and victuals? Your next-door neighbors almost, and a woman, whose husband has just been murdered! And here you are swizzling, and rattling your coppers.

"Not sufficiently wide awake to listen to your talk, damn you!" The American smiled nastily. "Maybe not, but this is a case of having to. Say! ever been in one of those big machine shops and seen a giant flywheel swizzling round at three hundred revs. a minute? Guess you wouldn't be gink enough to put out a hand and try to stop it. Never saw any machine yet that develops more power than I can."

He came to the door presently and shouted to the two men to come in, and pointed out to them as he had pointed out every evening since they had arrived his own skill in swizzling. It was a curious coincidence that had led Peter and Christopherson to Las Lomas.

I had barely time to gain my coign of vantage before she had swept in between the piers, and with a fitful swizzling of her screw was turning and backing down to a berth just ahead of one of the lighters, and not fifty feet from my hiding-place. A deck-hand jumped ashore with a rope, while the man at the wheel gave gruff directions.

To be running a cargo at my own hall door!" He had a passage large enough to hang three hats in, which the lady of the house always called "the hall." "Very well, very good, very fine indeed! You sons of" an animal that is not yet accounted the mother of the human race "have you done guzzling and swizzling?"