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Put flowers everywhere, the things we grow in hothouses, geraniums like sun-shades and arums like trumpets. That will give you a notion of the countryside we were in. I began to see that after all it was out of the common. And just before sunset we came over a ridge and found something better.

Fearing it might be late on their return, she proposed getting out for a few moments. A stream of gayly-dressed people crowded the pavements. The exquisite weather had drawn them out. Belles with their ringlets and sun-shades, and beaux with canes and curled moustaches. Irish women in tawdry finery, and ladies of color with every variety of ornament, and ridiculous imitation of fashion.

There was again a silence, broken at last by the major. "I want to go exploring here, Mark," he said. "I expect this will prove to be a very wonderful place." "But I thought such an island as this would be full of beautiful birds." "Perhaps it is, but the birds are all sitting under their sun-shades till the sun begins to go down. Why, Mark, we shall be in clover!" "But about food, sir?

Still the calm continued, and the heat, if anything, was greater than ever. The ladies were sitting on deck, keeping as cool as they could under their sun-shades, when Mr Hooker returned from below, and spread a map out before them. "Here, Walter," he said, turning to me, as I was standing near him, "it being my watch on deck, I am going to give a lecture; you may as well come and benefit by it.

He opened it softly and stepped into the tiny square entry that he recalled so well the one through which the Sunday-School children ran out to the steps from their catechism, apparently enjoying the sunshine after a spell of orthodoxy; the little entry where the village girls congregated while waiting for the last bell to ring they made a soft blur of pink and blue and buff, a little flutter of curls and braids and fans and sun-shades, in his mind's eye, as he closed the outer door behind him and gently opened the inner one.