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All broad sentiments, all real catholic humanity expires; and the mind gets gradually stiffened into one position becomes so habituated to a contracted atmosphere, that it shudders and withers under the least draught of the free air that circulates in the general field of mankind. Specialism in Society then, is, we think, one cause of our present state. Specialism in study is another.

Was there no profession in this age of specialism for taking away children's garments from houses where they were suddenly become a pain? Could I sell them? Could I give them to the needy, who would probably dispose of them for gin?

But as little learning is only dangerous when it forgets that it is little, so specialism is only dangerous when it forgets that it is special. When it encroaches on its betters, when it claims exceptional certainty or honor, it is impertinent, and should be rebuked; but it has its own honor in its own province, and is, in any case, to be preferred to pretentious and flaunting sciolism.

I saw with a queer and indescribable kind of clearness what a jury really is, and why we must never let it go. The trend of our epoch up to this time has been consistently towards specialism and professionalism.

Specialism consists in seeing the things of the material universe and the things of the spiritual universe in all their ramifications original and causative. The greatest human geniuses are those who started from the darkness of Abstraction to attain to the light of Specialism. The perfection of the inner eye gives rise to the gift of Specialism. Specialism brings with it Intuition.

The third greatest distinction of his foreign observation is its entire freedom from specialism. The latter writer is an acute, alert, industrious, and picturesque comparer of his own and a neighboring country, and is accompanied by a light battery of literary and pictorial criticism, detached from his heavier home armament.

To this terrific expenditure of intellectual strength, to such multifold moral contradictions, they oppose not, indeed pleasure, it would be too pale a contrast but debauchery, a debauchery both secret and alarming, for they have all means at their disposal, and fix the morality of society. Their genuine stupidity lies hid beneath their specialism.

This necessary restriction of collecting to groups and individual countries has led to specialism. The specialist concentrates his attention upon the issues of a group or country, and he prosecutes the study of the stamps of his chosen country with all the thoroughness of the modern specialist.

One then enters on the undertaking itself, which can be readily distinguished from an ordinary manual by a certain literary tone, which certainly betrays a little the hand or influence of Scott. But though the present is a Scottish production, there is no narrow specialism in its scheme. The title-page gives a London publisher as well as an Anglo-Athenian one, and Mrs.

He chills me or else he excites me; but you seem to know the cause of this cold and of this heat; tell me what it means, for you know all about him." "Yes, I have seen the causes," said Seraphitus, lowing his large eyelids. "By what power?" asked the curious Minna. "I have the gift of Specialism," he answered.