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At least four thousand men were engaged in this chief attack, and the light now permitted the besieged to direct their fire from cannon, demi-cannon, culverin, and snaphance, with fatal effect. The assailants, thinned, straggling, but undismayed, closed up their ranks, and still came fiercely on.

At least four thousand men were engaged in this chief attack, and the light now permitted the besieged to direct their fire from cannon, demi-cannon, culverin, and snaphance, with fatal effect. The assailants, thinned, straggling, but undismayed, closed up their ranks, and still came fiercely on.

There's fighting without!" cried Hopkins, rushing to the door, where in effect Soule and Browne had shot down two stout savages, who hearing Pecksuot's death cry had tried to avenge him; while another rushing upon Alden with uplifted knife was caught in mid career by a bullet from the captain's snaphance snatched up at Hopkins's warning.

Law! yes; the spiders Cobweb , out of which great flyes breake and in which the little are hangd: the Tarriers snaphance , limetwiggs, weavers shuttle & blankets in which fooles & wrangling coxcombes are tossd. Doe I know't now or not? Ten. If of the rape she accuse you 'tis in her choise To have you marry her or to have you hangd . Hen.

But even then the bear maintained his grip upon his two victims, and it was not until his brains were fairly beaten out with the butt end of a snaphance by the boldest of the party that they were enabled to secure the bodies of their comrades and give them a hurried kind of Christian burial.

"You oft call Parliaments, and there enact Lawes good and wholesome, such as who so breake Are hung by the purse or necke, but as the weake And smaller flyes i'th Spiders web are tane When great ones teare the web, and free remain." The reading of the MS. is "snapsance," which is clearly wrong. "Snaphance was the name for the spring-lock of a musket, and then for the musket itself.

But even then the bear maintained his grip upon his two victims, and it was not until his brains were fairly beaten out with the butt end of a snaphance by the boldest of the party that they were enabled to secure the bodies of their comrades and give them a hurried kind of Christian burial.

"'T is of no great import." "My snaphance goes nowhere out of reach of my right hand," announced Standish somewhat sharply, for the want of discipline grieved him, and Bradford, Winslow, and Howland silently indorsed both his action and his feeling.

Then turning to the captain, he said, "A bargain is a bargain." Then to the convict he said: "Black Jim Lewis, you belong to me. Get into that boat, or it'll be worse for you," and he slowly raised the snaphance with his thumb on the hammer. Lewis had aged visibly in ten minutes. With trembling steps he walked to the ship's side, and clambered over the bulwarks into the dugout.

"They'll not jeer long when my snaphance joins in the debate," said Standish grimly as he followed the master up the companion way. "Hail me yon craft, and ask for her commandant," ordered he, glancing rapidly over the scene.