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Lex Wisigothorum, iv, 2, 15: Vir qui uxorem suam secundum sacram scripturam habet in potestate, similiter et in servis suis potestatem habebit, et omnia quae cum servis uxoris suae vel suis in expeditione acquisivit, in sua potestate permaneant. Lex Wisigothorum, iii, Tit. i, 6. Lex Ripuariorum, 37, 1. Leges Liutprandi, iv, 4. That is, for the common people.

In Tusc. 4, 41 and Off. 1, 87 we find similiter ut si in Fin. 2, 21 and 4, 31 similiter or similis et si, in N.D. 3, 8 similiter ac si, also in Liv. 5, 5, 12 dissimilia ac si, in 35, 42, 10 idem ac si. As regards the ut after similes, we may compare a few passages in which simul ut appears for simul ac, see Reid's n. on Academ 2, 51.

Quod cum videret Simon Petrus, procidit ad genua Jesu.... Stupor enim circumdederat eum ... similiter autem Jacobum et Johannem filios Zebedaei.... Et ait ad Simonem Jesus, Noli timere, ex hoc jam homines eris capiens. Et subductis ad terram navibus relictis omnibus secuti sunt illum.

Attention is directed to the not infrequent ulcers of the eyes, which occur in variolae and may destroy the sight; also to ulcerations of the nose, throat, oesophagus, lungs and intestines, the latter of which often produce a dangerous diarrhoea. When variolae occurs in boys, it is recommended to tie the hands of the patient to prevent scratching. Similiter pannus tinctus de grano."

Vade & fac similiter. The college consists of a handsome hall, the president's lodgings, chambers for students, and a well-disposed library, one hundred and twenty feet in length, and thirty in breadth, which is at this day very well replenished with books, notwithstanding both library and college were burnt down anno 1666.