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In the end the fishermen left their boats and followed Him. De tot generibus operum quid utique ad piscaturam respexit ut, ab illa in apostolos sumeret Simonem et filios Zebedaei ... dicens Petro trepidanti de copiosa indagine piscium: ne time abhinc enum homines eris capiens.... Denique relictis naviculis secuti sunt ipsum...

Luke v. 1-11: Factum est autem cum turbae irruereut in eum et ipse stabat secus stagnum Gennesareth: et vidit duas naves.... Ascendens in unam navem quae erat Simonis... dixit ad Simonem, Duc in altum, et laxate retia vestra in capturam. Et cum hoc fecissent concluserunt piscium multitudinem copiosam.... Et impleverunt ambas naviculas ita ut mergerentur.

Petrarch mentions his portrait of Madonna Laura, in the 49th and 50th sonnets of the "Rime in Vita di Madonna Laura." In another place he uses these words about Simone: "Duos ego novi pictores egregios, nec formosos, Jottum Florentinum civem, cujus inter modernos fama ingens est, et Simonem Senensem." Epist. Fam. lib. v. 17, p. 653.

'Expositio Matt. fol. 71. 'I tell the truth to thee, there's nought like Liberty! Major's 'History of Greater Britain. Hume Brown's 'Knox, i. 44. See Scots Acts, A.D. 1471, c. 43. An Petrus Romae fuerit, sub judice lis est: Simonem Romae nemo fuisse negat. On this dark background Knox for the first time appears in history.