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And Gopani-Kufa believed the white man's story, and he took him in and feasted him, and gave him a house. In this way the end came. For the heart of Shasasa, the daughter of Gopani-Kufa, went forth to Butou the traitor, and from her he learnt the secret of the Magic Mirror.

His wife was too astonished at all these wonders to ask any questions, but his daughter Shasasa kept begging him to tell her how he had suddenly become so great; so at last he revealed the whole secret, and even entrusted Sipao the Mirror to her care, saying: 'It will be safer with you, my daughter, for you dwell apart; whereas men come to consult me on affairs of state, and the Mirror might be stolen.

Then the white men fell upon the people of Gopani-Kufa and slew them together with the chief and his daughter Shasasa; and since then all the power of the Earth has rested in the hands of the white men, for they have in their possession Sipao, the Magic Mirror. Story of the King Who Would See Paradise

Then Shasasa took the Magic Mirror and hid it beneath her pillow, and after that for many years Gopani-Kufa ruled his people both well and wisely, so that all men loved him, and never once did he need to ask Sipao to grant him a wish. Now it happened that, after many years, when the hair of Gopani-Kufa was turning grey with age, there came white men to that country.

'Shasasa! my daughter! he cried wildly, 'go fetch me the mirror, for the white men are at hand. 'Woe is me, my father! she sobbed. 'The Mirror is gone! For I loved Butou the traitor, and he has stolen Sipao from me! Then Gopani-Kufa calmed himself, and drew out Zengi-mizi from its rush basket. 'O spirit of my father! he said, 'what now shall I do?