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"We wasn't thinking of you," ses Ginger; "we was thinking of ourselves." "You!" ses Sam, with a bit of a start. "Wot's it got to do with you?" "Our share'll be bigger, that's all," ses Ginger. "Much bigger," ses Peter. "I couldn't dream of letting it go at thirty. It's chucking money away. Why, we might get two 'undred for it. Who knows?"

'Two ounces to the ton, my boys! said Crinkett, as he brought them back to his house. 'You'll find that a 10s. share'll give you about 6d. a month. That's about 60 per cent, I guess. You can have your money monthly. What comes out of that there mine in a March, you can have in a April, and so on. There ain't nothing like it anywhere else, not as I knows on.

"We wasn't thinking of you," ses Ginger; "we was thinking of ourselves." "You!" ses Sam, with a bit of a start. "Wot's it got to do with you?" "Our share'll be bigger, that's all," ses Ginger. "Much bigger," ses Peter. "I couldn't dream of letting it go at thirty. It's chucking money away. Why, we might get two 'undred for it. Who knows?"

"Go and get the key," repeated Gulpin, with an oath, "and then pass in all the guns and knives that you can get hold of. When I give a signal, knock down the sentry at the door, and mind that you hit him hard enough to prevent his squalling you understand?" "Yes, yes; but if I do all that, what share'll I get in the swag in the cellar? I've kept it for a long time now, and you know it."

With his inspired eyes on the splendid array, visions of its awful destiny only exalted him. Yet signs which he dared not heed lest he be confounded told him that every eye so fixed on his was aware of some droll distraction. He must speak on. "My boys! as sure as this war begins it's going to last. There'll be lots of killing and dying, and I warn you now, your share'll be a double one.

"Oh, maybe five thousand, maybe as high as eight thousand," Danny broke in to explain. "Something like that. Your share'll come to something like a thousand or sixteen hundred. Pretty good for takin' a licking from a guy with my reputation. What d' ye say?" Then Rivera took their breaths away. "Winner takes all," he said with finality. A dead silence prevailed.