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Neither had heard its latch click nor seen it open, but the broad figure of a burly man was massed in the gloom against the greater light from the outer entrance. A passing torch, flaring up the hall-way from behind, showed him draped from throat to ankle in some self-coloured, russet-red, woollen stuff which caught the glare, and outlined him for the moment as with sweeping curves of blood.

White sometimes appears on chest and feet; it is more objectionable on the latter than on the chest, as a speck of white on chest is frequently to be seen in all self-coloured breeds. SIZE AND SYMMETRY The most desirable weight in show condition is, for a dog 24 lb., and for a bitch 22 lb.

Preferably self-coloured. The colour most prized is golden fawn, but all shades of fawn red, mouse, cream and white are recognised. Blacks, brindles and pied are considered less desirable. ACTION High stepping and free. WEIGHT Two classes, one of 8 lb. and under, the other over 8 lb. The diminutive Shetland Sheepdog has many recommendations as a pet.

It was easy enough to follow, for the wire, if not bright, was self-coloured, and showed clearly. They followed it out of the gateway and into the avenue of Diana's Grove. Here a new gravity clouded Adam's face, though Mimi saw no cause for fresh concern. This was easily enough explained.

So they prattled on trippingly, eagerly discussing and appraising different fine fabrics striped taffeta, self-coloured china silk, muslin, gauze, nankeen. And old Brotteaux, as he listened to them, thought with a pensive pleasure of these veils that hide women's charms and change incessantly, how they last for a few years to be renewed eternally like the flowers of the field.