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Without date. In "A brief Character of the Low-countries under the States, being Three Weeks Observation of the Vices and Virtues of the Inhabitants," written by Owen Feltham, and printed Lond. 1659, 12mo, we find them epitomized as a general sea-land the great bog of Europe an universal quagmire in short, a green cheese in pickle. Gloss. Archaiol., folio, Lond. 1664.

On the left, and in plain sight from the deck, was Walcheren, the most extensive of the nine islands which constitute the province of Zealand, the most southern and western division of the kingdom of Holland. Zeeland, or Zealand, means sea-land; and its territory seems to belong to the ocean, since it is only by the most persevering care that the sea is prevented from making a conquest of it.

He then returned and coasted northwards to the extreme point of New Zealand, which he called Cape Maria Van Diemen, probably after the wife of that Governor of Batavia who had sent out the expedition. Tasman called the lands he had thus discovered "New Zealand," after that province of Holland which is called Zealand, or the Sea-land.

And what silly water-babies to be quite delighted at it! Well, but you see they have not the advantage of Aunt Agitate's Arguments in the sea-land down below. "Now," said the fairy to Tom, "will you be a good boy for my sake, and torment no more sea-beasts till I come back?" "And you will cuddle me again?" said poor little Tom. "Of course I will, you little duck.

Thus, from her highest peak, he looked right across New Zealand. The Dutch, then, its discoverers, were not so wrong in naming it Zealand or Sea-land. Next to light, perhaps the chief characteristic of the country and its climate is variety. Thanks to its great length the north differs much from the south.

Nomads of the Suti tribes had long been raiding from the western deserts into Akkad; and the first king set up by the victorious peoples of the Sea-Land had to expel them and to repair their ravages before he could seat himself on a throne which was menaced by Elam on the east and Assyria on the north, and must fall so soon as either of these found a strong leader.